Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Differences Between a Normative and Empirical Theory
There are various theories that attempted to explain and understand various social events and social issues. Two of these theories include the normative and the empirical theories. In order to understand these concepts, it may be best to know their definitions. The normative theory involves the evaluation of things based on the labels of what is good and what is bad. The desirability then of an approach is determined by the observable judgments on its implications.On the other hand, empirical theory involves the use of observations according to concrete evidence so that things can be explained with accuracy and precision. One of the most important applications of the normative and empirical theory is on the rule making aspect of a democracy. According to Craig, there â€Å"may be different models of democracy†. However, in our society, we are often confused with the normative and empirical aspects of democracy.As regards democracy, one can still say that in order to achieve th e true essence of a democratic community, the empirical approach is at most desirable. It is not enough that the precepts proposed by the concept of democracy dictates how and to what extent we achieve democracy. Rather, it is important that we also rely on empirical data and concrete evidence to determine how and to what extent the proposed democratic policies can affect the lives of the people who believe in the concept of democracy.Historical data proves that mistakes as regards democracy involved the normative theory of democracy wherein our leaders tend to have been swayed and decided only in accordance with what democracy should and ought to be rather on what the community actually needs and the state of things. In the normative theory, it is often the aim to evaluate things rather than explain things. In this regard, it is often the case that under the normative theory, concrete actions are not determined in order to resolve issues.This is not true in case of the empirical th eory because by more than just evaluating things, explaining the various social phenomenons enables our leaders to create deeper understanding of things so that it can be resolved according to democratic principles. Democratic theory is empirically desirable as much as it allows the people to explain things so that they can freely act on it. The democratic set up is best for the community because it allows people to, individually create an evaluation and understanding of things by trying to explain the root causes of the problems.In addition, under the concept of democracy, it is best that decisions be based not only on the basis of what is best for a certain group but for the whole community. The practice of democracy should not cause to undermine other democratic rights of others. This is commonly what is reflected in the United States politics because specific policies especially on wars are now reflections of the voice of the people, or a product of free deliberations to determi ne their applicability and reasonableness.It is unfortunate to think that the democratic principles are now tainted with the long stretch of power of politics and officialdom. Many our seemingly democratic leaders, neglect democratic end in exchange of their personal intentions. We should not forget that a true democratic government is a government for the people, by the people and of the people. The centralization of government especially of decision making does not reflect the true nature of a democratic state.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Frankl †the Meaning of Life Essay
Frankl does not use the word â€Å"meaning†in the general broad sense such as in â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †but rather in a more specific way of â€Å"what is the meaning of your life†. In Frankl’s words, asking the meaning of life is akin to asking the chess champion: â€Å"Tell me, Master, what is the best move in the world? †(pg 131) There is no â€Å"correct†answer to this question, as the best move is dependent on your opponent, the moves already made, and the moves to be made†¦. Much the same as saying there is no correct answer to the question â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †as the meaning of life changes from person to person and from moment to moment. Frankl demonstrates how his meaning of life changed as noted that one morning as he marched to work he came to a sudden realization that â€Å"The salvation of man is through love and in love. †(pg 57) I think that Frankl’s realization is meant to illustrate how even in the darkest of times, meaning can be found in suffering and that â€Å"†¦ everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. †(pg 86) Frankl chose to focus on his love – his love for his wife, his love for life which brought meaning to the torture he was enduring. Frankl does not preach what he believes the meaning of life is, but instead tries to help us to see the truth for ourselves through his illustrations of human suffering and triumph. The analogy of the Painter vs. the Ophthalmologist on page 132 reflects Frankl’s core discipline. â€Å"A painter tries to convey to us a picture of the world as he sees it; and ophthalmologist tries to enable us to see the world as it really is. †Frankl tries to help us to see with our own eyes; he cannot show us the truth but can only try and help us discover it for ourselves. In Frankl’s own case, he was able to find his purpose which was to document what he had learned about mankind while suffering in a concentration camp. He did so as to help others understand their responsibility in defining their life; and how by being responsible, we can define life’s meaning every day. Frankl illustrates man taking responsibility for his own life in his account of fellow inmates. â€Å"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms  to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. †(pg 86)These men chose to give meaning to their life by improving the lives of those around them, even in the face of certain death if discovered. They chose even while surrounded by unimaginable horror to place the wellbeing of their fellow inmates above their own. Frankl defines this behavior as â€Å"The self-transcendence of human existence†. (pg 133) It means that being human is about going beyond you own self needs. He says â€Å"The more one forgets himself – by giving himself to a cause to serve, or another person to love – the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself. â€Å"(pg 133) His illustrations of the inmates who gave the last of their bread or tried to comfort those around him are surely examples of self-transcendence. I can relate to this line of thinking as I reflect on those people in my life I most respect; they are those friends and family whom I consider selfless – individuals who give of themselves. This philosophy can even be translated to business. The most successful business men I know are individual who learned at an early stage that giving of themselves, through writing, speaking, or being involved in their community ultimately reaped the greatest rewards, closed the most business, etc†¦ While these individual have an agenda (vs. being truly selfless), I still believe they are practicing self-transcendence. They are, as Frankl states, discovering that â€Å"The true meaning of life is to be discovered in the world rather than within man or his own psyche, as though it were a closed system. †(pg 133) They choose to interact with the people and the world around them rather than retreat into themselves. Frankl compares a closed system to an open system as a way of explaining how human interaction leads to self-transcendence, while self-actualization is a false way of finding meaning. A closed system cannot change or grow; it by definition must maintain equilibrium. An open system on the other hand exists such that we interact with each other and the outside world. Through our interactions with one another, growth is stimulated within ourselves and those around us. In a closed system we would retreat from the world and isolate ourselves. While doing this might bring a certain amount of inner peace, it does not stimulate growth. We cannot improve ourselves and the world around us in this way because it is too self-serving. That’s not to say that self reflection is a bad thing, but rather that self-reflection loses its meaning unless you have something to reflect against – another philosophy, the meaning of an event in your life, etc†¦ Self-reflection for the sake of self-reflection would produce no personal growth in Frankl’s view. In conclusion, I think that Frankl’s life experiences helped shape someone who at his core was a realist. You cannot always change the situation, so if you want a different outcome, you must change your reaction. Sometimes horrible things happen to a person; that is life. How you choose to respond to the circumstances surrounding you is your most basic privilege as an intelligent human being. I love the fact that Frankl offers no real answers, just a framework for figuring it out for yourself. I hope to learn more about Frankl and try to apply more of his â€Å"take responsibility†attitude to my everyday life. I have already started by going back to school to finish my degree.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Being Gay in America
What two people do with their lives is up to them but when they try and add another person into their lives, it changes the circumstances. Gays have been trying to fight for their rights for years. The Society for Human Rights in Chicago is the country’s earliest known gay rights organization. Wisconsin was the first state to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders (InfoPlease). Just recently the military got rid of its â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†policy allowing gays to serve in the military openly. I don’t see anything wrong with two people getting married to each other, but I don’t feel that homosexuals should be capable to receive the same benefits of marriage like heterosexuals. If a gay person wants to be married then they should but they also should be taxed for being in a same sex marriage. I feel like they should get taxed because it is not natural for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with another woman. Two of the same sex cannot bear children therefore it is not acceptable to me. Homosexuals are trying to get the same equal opportunity as heterosexual marriages unless they are willing to pay some kind of payment. Under the Defense of Marriage Act made in 1996, it states that a gay married couple can take advantage of state laws with the benefits of marriage, but not any of the benefits by federal law (DOMA). The benefits that heterosexual marriages aren’t authorized to are social security, tax, estate, veteran and military, federal employment, and immigration. The law also states that marriage is legal union between one man and one woman. Under the law, no state may be required to distinguish same sex marriage considered to be marriage in another state. There are six states that consent same sex marriages which are Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Since most states don’t allow same sex marriage, many homosexuals have ended up going with civil union. Civil union is lawfully documented union like to marriage, but it is not marriage. It is the declaration of a partnership shared by a couple. Civil union isn’t recognized by the federal government and under the Defense of Marriage Act other states don’t have to oblige to recognize them. States that allow civil union are California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are gay that is fine. What you do behind closed doors is your problem, but many gays are adopting children and raising kids into their lifestyle. In our society today, it has been an all-time high of suicides due to bullying. Why would you want to put a child in that kind of situation where they will be picked on because they have two dads or moms? Cited Section 1. ) DOMA. www. domawatch. org. 28November 2011 2. ) www. hrc. org/issues. 28November 2011 3. ) INFOPLEASE. www. infoplease. com. 28November2011 4. ) Being Gay in America What two people do with their lives is up to them but when they try and add another person into their lives, it changes the circumstances. Gays have been trying to fight for their rights for years. The Society for Human Rights in Chicago is the country’s earliest known gay rights organization. Wisconsin was the first state to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders (InfoPlease). Just recently the military got rid of its â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†policy allowing gays to serve in the military openly. I don’t see anything wrong with two people getting married to each other, but I don’t feel that homosexuals should be capable to receive the same benefits of marriage like heterosexuals. If a gay person wants to be married then they should but they also should be taxed for being in a same sex marriage. I feel like they should get taxed because it is not natural for a man to be with a man or a woman to be with another woman. Two of the same sex cannot bear children therefore it is not acceptable to me. Homosexuals are trying to get the same equal opportunity as heterosexual marriages unless they are willing to pay some kind of payment. Under the Defense of Marriage Act made in 1996, it states that a gay married couple can take advantage of state laws with the benefits of marriage, but not any of the benefits by federal law (DOMA). The benefits that heterosexual marriages aren’t authorized to are social security, tax, estate, veteran and military, federal employment, and immigration. The law also states that marriage is legal union between one man and one woman. Under the law, no state may be required to distinguish same sex marriage considered to be marriage in another state. There are six states that consent same sex marriages which are Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Since most states don’t allow same sex marriage, many homosexuals have ended up going with civil union. Civil union is lawfully documented union like to marriage, but it is not marriage. It is the declaration of a partnership shared by a couple. Civil union isn’t recognized by the federal government and under the Defense of Marriage Act other states don’t have to oblige to recognize them. States that allow civil union are California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are gay that is fine. What you do behind closed doors is your problem, but many gays are adopting children and raising kids into their lifestyle. In our society today, it has been an all-time high of suicides due to bullying. Why would you want to put a child in that kind of situation where they will be picked on because they have two dads or moms? Cited Section 1. ) DOMA. www. domawatch. org. 28November 2011 2. ) www. hrc. org/issues. 28November 2011 3. ) INFOPLEASE. www. infoplease. com. 28November2011 4. )
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Cowboy Proxemics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cowboy Proxemics - Essay Example Hickey and William E. Thompson further studied the role of proxemics in American cowboy population and how it differed from the usual American standards. Hickey and Thompson argued that a lot of proliferation has taken from cowboy culture to the mainstream American culture. Today, some aspects of cowboy culture are clearly known. For instance, media has popularized the garb worn by cowboys, that it is frequently copied by members of other cultures and occupations. Hence, for a cowboy one of the ways he found to preserve his identity was by preserving his notions of personal space. Hall proposed that for Americans there are four kinds of proxemically relevant personal spaces. They are: intimate zone ranging from zero to eighteen inches for loved ones, personal zone ranging from one and one half to four inches, social zone ranging from four to twelve feet while public space was anything over twelve feet. Among cowboys, on the other hand, those who do no know each other well, the usual speaking distance is six to eight feet. The ways people use space differs from culture to culture and subculture to subculture. This is so because proxemic research is based on the concept of territoriality or the behavior by which an organism typically lays claim to an area and defends it against members of its own and other species. This is basis of study of animal behavior. Non-verbal communication or process of transmitting messages also plays role in the study of proxemics (Ottenheimer Harriet, 157). It comprises of body language, gestures, facial expressions and even gaze. While Americans believe in maintaining an eye-contact during the course of a conversation, the cowboys neither stares not scan the eye of the partner in a regular manner. Since proxemics is in a way study of culture anthropologists have argued that intercultural communication, occupation, cultivation, preservation and utilization of space is also taken into consideration and this could be the reason for differences between subcultures of the same culture. Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer in her book, the Anthropology of Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology states that as cowboys were frequently seated in horses there developed differences in their need for personal spaces. Thus, for them personal space ranges from six to eight feet roughly this is the space they need if two horses were standing nose-to-nose. However, their side-by-side personal space ranges from zero to eighteen inches, suggesting that if their horses are side by side their feet might touch. Famous adage goes-old habits die hard. Anthropologists argue that as cowboys spent most of their time on their horses, they carried the same proxemics system in non-mounted situations as well. So cowboys at social gatherings like a campfire tend to place themselves facing each other across the room and make sure they are six to eight feet apart also while placing themselves side by side close together on one side of the room. In Kansas, pickup trucks pulled off the road are parked side by side while their drivers can have a chat while seated on the trucks. As we are living in global village, cowboy proxemics will go through a change due to influences from other cultures and subcultures. As proxemics is part of culture and is guided by culture transmission, anthropologists h
Explain how psychological and sociological insights help nurses to Essay
Explain how psychological and sociological insights help nurses to understand health lifestyles on smoking tobacco - Essay Example Psychology is the study of behaviour through emotions and processes, with strong focus being put on the measurement and observance of behaviour . Psychology focuses on understanding the reasons that people (or other species) behave in particular ways. Some examples of psychological drivers are: personality, conformity to the environment around them, stress and coping mechanisms, values and influence of other members of society such as through peer pressure . In terms of health, psychology can be used in research to provide public health in a beneficial manner . This essay will focus on a few specific psychological drivers: influence of society, the sense of self worth, health locus of control theory and the role of nutrition and health. Sociology in contrast is the study of the social factors that surround individuals and how they affect every aspect of their life, such as decision making, health, illness and health care. Sociologists study how social forces promote some factors in i ndividual’s lives while repressing others, as well as the drivers behind this. Some examples of sociological drivers include: financial status, region that the individual lives in, environmental factors such as pollution and socioeconomic factors such as class . This essay will focus on several sociological drivers and how these affect individual’s decisions to smoke. ... Understanding why people make the decisions they do, and the role that different factors play in their decision making process plays a large part in the ability to understand and empathise with patients . This, in turn, makes the role of nurses in promoting health and in dealing with patients in general easier. Psychological Drivers One key psychological driver of behaviour is the influence of society. Smoking has always been very heavily driven by society, by trends and by advertising, particularly in movies. The prevalence of smoking as a form of recreation, of stress relief and for socialisation has been a large driver for smoking in many individuals, as well as peer pressure towards smoking particularly in adolescents. Throughout much of the early 20th century there was strong social pressure for men to begin smoking, with it considered to be a male orientated activity. In this time period few women smoked, as it was considered to be unseemly, and there was strong social disappro val. Towards the latter half of the 20th century smoking in women became more accepted, and the differences in smoking between genders decreased substantially, at least in developed countries. However, in developed countries there is still a strong difference in gender based mortality as a consequence of smoking, as death from smoking is generally related to many years of accumulated toxins . An important aspect of psychology is the way an individual views themselves. People hold a general representation of themselves mentally, which can encompass appearance, emotions, behaviour, self-worth as well as many more aspects. This representation of self often does not match the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizations - Essay Example The actions carried out by the organization are aimed towards preventative measures and strengthening the healthcare systems. The program is has an aggressive approach in fighting the current prevalent diseases in Africa which would be considered an emergency in developed countries. To be more specific, one of the main causes of death in Africa is HIV/AIDS. Approximately 68% of the entire AIDS infected population in the world resides in Sub Saharan Africa. However, only 10% of these individuals are offered the appropriate access to anti-retroviral drugs. The African community also has a problem of drug resistant strains of TB. The main killer of African children is Malaria, whist approximately 5 000 children are living with diarrhea at any given time. African women are also at a risk of 1:16 of dying during their pregnancy. Comparing these figures with developed countries shows the urgency of the matter and will help illustrate the approaches taken by AMREF in addressing these pro blems. The organization has started awareness campaigns and free testing facilities in an attempt to prevent new infections of HIV and reducing the progression of the disease in individuals who are already infected. Awareness campaigns have also been created among HIV patients about tuberculosis as early intervention prevents further spread. Specifically, the organization educates the community about the main symptoms, stages of the disease and diagnostic procedures. To reduce the occurrence of malaria the organization has donated mosquito nets and repellents and also educated people on the symptoms and signs of malaria. In an attempt to reduce the number of deaths due to delivery and complicated pregnancies, the organization has improved the education on maternal health. To prevent the spread of water borne diseases the organization has improved the level of education on water safety and sanitation. The above mentioned approaches may appear as non emergency actions; however, one mu st consider that the organization is based in a developing country. Education is the first step in improving health and preventing certain diseases and this aspect of healthcare is not fully developed in these countries. Therefore, the emergency approach would be too increase people’s knowledge as treatment provision alone is insufficient in alleviated the above mentioned health issues. As mentioned above, the organization is located in Africa and currently has establishments in 30 countries. These offices have several different functions which include technical support, laboratories, on- ground projects and training. The organization also has supporting offices in Europe and North America whose main function is to provide financial support for the African branches. As illustrated above, the main functions of the organization are educating purposes and targeted at developing countries. Therefore, in a usual emergency crisis the organization will not intervene. If the situatio n was serious and required the involvement of many healthcare organizations AMREF would be influential in spreading the message across the country. However, other modes of intervention in the United States would also be inhibited by the fact that the organiza
Friday, July 26, 2019
Street Gang Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Street Gang Violence - Research Paper Example Policing force and governments across the world have come up with strategies to control street gangs but the process has become very complicated, Street gangs are always a step ahead of the government control agencies making it a challenge to control them. Street gangs have evolved to be very influential and powerful becoming a major threat to the society and the economy yet they are almost uncontrollable as they are always a step ahead of the relevant agencies and devising strategies that work will be important for the safety of people and economic growth. History of Street Gangs Unlike what most people think, street gangs started many centuries ago in Europe. There were gangs in the in 1600s in England that wore ribbons to identify themselves. In the 17th and 18th century, there were gangs in Germany that did criminal activities. The gangs at the time were made up of two to five members but there were some that had as many as ten or twelve members. These gangs were not really stree t gangs but they started the path to street gangs. After the Industrial revolution in England and Europe, many people in the society became rich. At the same time, there many people who were poor and lived in the slums, which became common at that time. People in the slums were looking for ways to take what the rich had. They formed groups which were mostly made up of young people between the age of 14 and 20 years. Each of the gang wanted to take control of a certain region within the city. Many gangs like the Redskins, Black hands and beehives were formed in the early 19th century. The gangs were spread across Manchester, London and Glasgow (Covey, 2010). At the same time, street gangs also started to be formed in the United States. The forty thieves’ street gang from New York was formed around 1820. This gang is one of the most popular street gangs in the United States. The gang was formed by Irish Immigrants who were trying to take control of New York City. These gangs we re involved in illicit activities like pick pocketing, stealing and violence. Some of the gangs in both Europe and United States were well organized and grew to feared gangs in their regions. At first, gangs were formed by people within a certain age group for example the youth in Europe. As time passed, street gangs evolved to be formed by immigrant minorities in other countries for example the United States. United States was a major hub for immigrants in the 19th century as it was growing and progressing very fast. Irish people were among the first immigrants in the United States. To survive, they formed gangs for example the infamous forty thieves in the New York City. Immigrants from other countries specifically Italy wanted to compete with the Irish Gangs in New York City. At the same time, there were other Irish Immigrants who wanted to form their own street gangs rather than join existing Irish gangs like the forty thieves. By the end of the 19th century, there were more tha n five common influential and powerful gangs in the United States. This country became the new hub for the Street gangs in the world. The gangs were mostly in New York and Chicago at that time. These two cities were the most common with immigrants (Andrews, 2013). United States continued to attract many immigrants from all over the world. Irish, Italian and Polish gangs were most common in the United Sta
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Management in Society - Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management in Society - Karl Marx - Essay Example This no doubt increased the gross domestic output of Great Britain, but in the absence of any genuinely effective governmental regulation and control and with industrial production under free enterprise economy just beginning to take a concrete shape, the lot of the workers went from bad to worse. It was under these circumstances that Karl Marx propounded his theories of social exploitation of labour and economic injustice. Marx concluded that private ownership of means of production and insatiable greed of factory owners to earn more profit were the primary reasons for this abysmal condition of workers. He exhorted the workers to unite and forcibly seize political power so that all means of production can be removed from private ownership and transferred to the ownership of state thereby ending undue exploitation of workers by the greedy owners of factories. Marx at this stage committed two grave errors if one may say so. He did not denigrate capitalist means of production as such and admitted that this form of production did indeed create surplus value but what was essentially a problem of misdistribution of this surplus value was wrongly described by him as an inherent flaw of the production system. He also failed to comprehend the basic fact that this surplus value was created by the production system as such that included all three factors of production – land, labour and capital. He, one might dare say, rather obstinately held on to his belief that the surplus value was created by labour alone and thus the right to such surplus belonged only to labour. However, the unscrupulous and rapacious capitalists usurped the entire surplus for themselves while paying the labourers only slave-wages that were just enough for them to survive. Thus, he felt that the only way for improving the lot of workers is to overthrow capitalism. Karl Marx thought that abolition of private property would
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7
Operations Management - Assignment Example urse of this study the knowledge that I have acquired with regards to operations management is simply based on some of the activities that are listed above. My understanding of operations management is that it mainly focusses on the substantial measurement as well as analysis of the internal processes. The nature of this module depends on the nature of each product or service that an organization deals with. Therefore, judging from the way various organizations present their products and services is solely based on the nature they possess. This paper will thus reflect on the knowledge that I have gained throughout my operations management course. More so, the paper will also focus on how I can use the knowledge gained from this module to add value to the organization where I am currently working which is Tamkeen. Having total concentration on this module has equipped me with knowledge as well as skills that are required in order to perform the necessary processes to convert or transform the inputs of materials, human skills and energy information into products and services that will satisfy the customers’ needs. It is quite evident that operations management has given me an understanding of both the design and implementation stage of a system for better delivery of various processes such as planning and controlling. In relation to Tamkeen, below is a thorough analysis of the relevant knowledge adapted from my course that can help me in performing and adding value to my job duty. Tamkeen is a service company which focuses on providing a wide range of technical advanced equipment and components, designs solutions and also aftermarket service. The organization’s operations are centred on technical and human capital development support. Tamkeen’s customer base is the contracting and manufacturing sectors in the economy. The organization supplies various components for various markets such as the energy, water, power, petrochemical, gas and oil markets. The
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Unique effects of apathy and depression signs on cognition and Research Paper
Unique effects of apathy and depression signs on cognition and function in amnestic mild cognitive impairment - Research Paper Example According to Zahodne & Tremont (2013), apathy and depression are distinct signs in amnestic MCI and for different patients the two are associated with specific executive functions. For mental health nurses, the distinction of apathy and depression relative to the presented differential frontal lobes neuropathology patterns and the affected functions are crucial in planning and delivery appropriate care. Zahodne & Tremont (2013), present the current diagnostic criteria as indicating that about 43% and 20% patients meet apathy and major depression criteria correspondingly with and without baseline dementia. Through a multiple regression framework, apathy and depression linked to specific cognitive abilities and functional status as presented in a sample of 90 elderly persons (with mean age 75.8 years) highly vulnerable to Dementia following amnestic MCI. For all participants, clinical assessments presented unbiased memory impairment and exclusion criteria of comorbid neurological illnesses, brain trauma history, and medical problems like cancer, and severe psychiatric disturbance (Zahodne & Tremont, 2013). The independent variables were apathy, depression, education, and age, while the dependent variables were unprocessed scores on individual tests. The result linked depression to inferior exclusive functioning and was independent of age, apathy, and education. Conversely, apathy pre sented intricacies in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living or IADL and did not link to age, depression, or education. These findings proved that apathy and depression distinctively associate with varying elements of executive functioning in amnestic MCI. For a mental health nurse, this information fundamentally contributes to the formulation of interventions aimed at fostering health, assessing dysfunction, and helping patients in regaining their coping abilities (Daniel, et al., 2014). Further, the nurse
Victorian society Essay Example for Free
Victorian society Essay Dickens concentrates on using emotive language throughout this chapter. He does this to encourage the reader to empathise and sympathise with Oliver. For example, wretched. little companions in misery. the only friends he had ever known. And also reckless with misery these quotations emphasise just how wretched and awful Olivers childhood must have been. Throughout this chapter, Dickens challenges the charitable organisations run by the church and government. The people who ran these institutions believed that poverty is the consequence of laziness and that the dreadful conditions in which they were forced to live would inspire them to better themselves. Through this novel, Dickens tries to get across that that is not true and that poor people are real people, with real feeling and real aspirations to better themselves. Dickens concentrates on criticising Mrs. Mann, Mr. Bumble and the Board members to emphasise exactly how cruel, neglectful and hypocritical they are. He is showing Oliver to be half-starved and exploited, yet still pure at heart, to get across the point that poor people arent born with the will to be criminals, but the environments, and adverse situations, are what cause criminal behaviour. He is continually criticising these characters because he has very strong views about the neglect and exploitation of children in the society of the Victorian period. The second extract which I am going to explore, with reference to the question, is Chapter Four, entitled Chapter IV. Oliver, being offered another place, makes his first entry into public life. This chapter tells us of how Oliver is dispatched to Mr. Sowerberry, the undertaker, and how he is greeted there. The arrangements made to dispose of Oliver were that, if a tradesman, approved by the Board, was to request Oliver as an apprentice, then he should receive the boy and a sum of five pounds. At the onset of the chapter, when the Board are discussing whether or not to send Oliver to sea or not, they make a very interesting conclusion -The probability being, that the skipper would flog him to death, in a playful mood or would knock his brains out with an iron bar; both pastimes being as is pretty generally known, very favourite and common recreations among gentlemen of that class. This shows us their ignorance and misunderstanding of human nature. Also, it reveals how unfeeling and malicious those gentlemen are, because they decide that sending Oliver to sea would be a very advantageous way of providing for Oliver effectually. However, when Mr.Bumble brings Mr. Sowerberry in front of the Board, Olivers fate was changed. He was to be dispatched to Mr. Sowerberrys upon liking. This means that if the boys master can get enough work out of him without giving him too much food, then he shall have the boy for a term of years to do what he likes with. That evening Oliver was taken before the Board and informed of his fate. He was also told that if he complained or was sent back to the parish, then he was to be sent to sea, there to be drowned, or knocked on the head. This is a cruel way to threaten a young boy and just goes to show how malicious and heartless these characters are. Dickens is continuing to develop a feeling of detestation towards the Board and he criticises its members relentlessly throughout this section of the chapter. He clearly displays his dislike of this aspect of Victorian society, which allows such acts of cruelty to go unchecked Dickenss character descriptions are renowned for their effectiveness and accuracy. In this chapter, he describes Mrs. Sowerberry as a short, thin squeezed up woman with a vixenish countenance. This gives the impression of slyness and unpleasantness, which is further enforced by her pettish behaviour and also by her telling Oliver You dont mind sleeping among the coffins, I suppose you cant sleep anywhere else. It is well known that children have very active imaginations; so sleeping among coffins wouldnt inspire many pleasant thoughts into a childs mind. Yet Mrs. Sowerberry show no understanding of this and just leaves Oliver alone in a room full of coffins. This highlights the fact that the Victorians had no concept or knowledge of child development and psychology. For instance, there was no awareness of adolescence. They thought that people changed directly from children to adults. There was no understanding of the teenage years, so people were either treated as children or as adults, never teenagers. A small, quite discreet bit of Dickensian irony in this chapter is the matter of the parochial seal. It is Mr. Bumble who sheds light upon this matter. He say . the parochial seal the Good Samaritan healing the sick and bruised man. The irony meant here is very clear. Oliver symbolises the sick and bruised man yet the parish did nothing for him but make his situation worse. They didnt do anything to heal him after his traumatic childhood at the hands of Mrs. Mann. If anything they treated him even more appallingly. Dickenss use of emotive language in this chapter is for much the same purpose as in the last chapter. He aims to create an even greater feeling of sympathy towards Oliver. Quotations such as with tears of real agony and Oliver piteous and helpless look increase the readers sympathetic feeling towards him. In this extract I think Dickens was concentrating on making the reader see how badly Oliver is neglected and mistreated by adults. He also uses this chapter to further criticise the behaviour of the Board members and also the behaviour of Mrs. Sowerberry. Dickens is again demonstrating how he detests the ways in which the adults inflict cruelty and neglect upon their young charges, and are allowed to get away with it because of the state of society at that time. Charles Dickens was only twenty-four years old when he wrote Oliver Twist. Yet in it, he effectively and comprehensively criticises Victorian society for its hypocrisy and the way in which it allowed poverty-stricken children, like Oliver, to be the victims of adult cruelty, neglect and exploitation. To do this, he uses his skilful character descriptions throughout the novel. For example, in Chapter Two, the Board members are described as the fat gentlemen and Oliver and his companions are described as suffering the slow tortures of slow starvation. This is implicitly emphasises to show the greed of the gentlemen, to the point where they have twice as much food as they need and their workers have less than half of what they need. He also uses ironic authorial comments throughout the novel, which are an effective way of emphasising his own views on Victorian society. Examples of this can be found throughout the book and Dickens has made his views perfectly clear to his readers. Another way in which he criticises Victorian society is in his direct, open criticisms of the unpleasant ways in which the adult characters treat Oliver. In Chapter Two, Oliver is asked if he said his prayers every night -like a Christian. And Dickens says, at length, that it would have been marvellously good if he had done so but he hadnt, because nobody had taught him. Other more discreet techniques of communicating his criticisms can be found throughout the novel. Firstly, the titles of the chapters display ironic tendencies. For example, Chapter two is entitled Treats of Oliver Twists growth, education and board. Yet from reading the chapter, anyone can tell that his childhood was far from a treat, unless being locked in a cupboard on your ninth birthday for being hungry could be considered a treat. Thus it can be assumed that Dickens was being ironic when naming the chapter.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Distracted by Today’s Technology Essay Example for Free
Distracted by Today’s Technology Essay We are part of a country that is focused on making life easier and faster. Technology is something that is constantly on the rise, we are always looking for that new gadget better than the last that is meant to facilitate the everyday life. As a result, many people are starting to lose the ability to show emotions or even carry on a face-to-face conversation, therefore making it difficult for those individuals to develop appropriate social skills. Unfortunately, we fail to see the damage that is being caused by the amount of time being spent on texting, playing with video games, or spending countless hours on social networks as an alternative to making new acquaintances or spending quality time with their loved ones. Let’s start with text messages, known as one of the most popular method of communication these days. It is an unavoidable fact that the text message has become a necessary part of our lives. Like with new couples, who are unable to attain an appropriate sense of what their new partner is actually like. These couples often prefer the convenience of texting as a way of getting to know each other, as opposed to talking on the phone or going on dates. What they fail to realize is that, by trying to maintain a relationship mostly through texting and with barely any physical interaction they are truly inhibiting their ability to assess reactions, expressions or feelings shown by the other person. Sadly, these couples usually choose to end their relationship before knowing if it truly had a chance to flourish into a something meaningful. Although talking on a cellular phone while behind the wheel of a car has been proven to be dangerous, it has now taken a back seat to those drivers who surf the internet and text while on the road. According to a study done by The American Automobile Association, forty-six percent of teens who were interviewed admitted to being distracted behind the wheel because of texting. Many parents will instruct their children not to text while behind the wheel, when in all reality they are not following what they preach by continuing to put us all at risk. Overall, it is a real source of concern that these individuals are consciously adding to the increasing number of accidents on our roads today. Then we have video games, which have been around for decades. In recent years, the popularity of video games has sky rocketed amongst our youth. Our children are learning how to hijack a car from a pregnant mother with her two kids, shoot a gangster with an automatic weapon, and even drag race down the streets of a quiet neighborhood, all from the comfort of their couch. The days of going outside to play with friends and bike riding have been replaced by sitting in front of a television set and playing with your Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation, just to name a few. Homework and chores are often overlooked, but worse are the many parents that are using these gaming devices as babysitters as an alternative to spending quality time with their kids. Many parents remain satisfied by simply knowing that their children are safely in the house, dismissing the possibility their children are becoming couch potatoes with no social skills. Sadly, many of these children are not receiving any other exercise than what is given during their P.E. class in school. These are the children that will likely end up as obese, anti-social members of our society. Lastly, we are now surrounded by social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter that are dedicated to connecting friends and family that live all around the world with the intentions of increasing communication between them. Friends can post pictures, write about what they are doing at the moment, and surf other friends profiles. While we cannot deny the benefits that these sites may provide, we should also not fail to realize the many dangers that can be linked to these social networks. Computer viruses are one of the most common disadvantages seen with social networks, one wrong click and you could send all you personal information to some crook across the country. But more damaging are the ill effects that our children are likely to encounter. Cyber bullying is much more intense and malicious than what some of us may have experienced in our high school hallways. Teasing, harassing, and name calling are now posted on the internet for everyone to see. In 2006, a teenage girl committed suicide for the constant bullying she received from her classmates and even one of their parents, her mother never suspected any of it. More importantly, many children and teenagers are now sharing too much information with strangers that they meet online, believing they are someone of their same age and with their same interests. Unknowingly, they are making themselves easy targets for predators of all kinds. This could possibly be avoided if parents were to limit the time spent online and diligently monitor their internet usage. I understand that some people may disagree with my views on the damaging effects that could be associated with allowing too much technology into all aspects of our lives. At the end of the day, what are the benefits we are receiving from allowing technology to play such a large role in our lives? Are we coming together at the end of the day? The days of â€Å"family dinner time†are slowly becoming memories of the past. Fewer are the families that sit around a table to share a meal, socialize, and relate stories about their day. We are missing out on opportunities to bond with our children and watch them grow. As well as new couples that would benefit from more phone conversations and dates, perhaps giving themselves a better chance at a more meaningful and stable relationship, possibly reducing the current divorce rates. It is a fact that we live in a world that technology has become a must in our lives. We are now dependent on cellular phones, and computers, while our children are consumed by their games. I also agree that all of the advancements made by technology are simply indented to somehow improve the way we function on a daily basis. But there should be a limit to how much technology we allow in our lives. Maybe we should make an effort to dedicate time to our families by turning off the cellular phone and put aside the computer a few nights a week. The benefits we will receive for maintaining a loving and nurturing relationship with our loved ones will continue to be evident for years to come.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Effect of AFTA on Malaysian Agriculture
The Effect of AFTA on Malaysian Agriculture The agriculture sector is the sector that would be adversely affected due to the implementation of AFTA. AFTA will also lead to agricultural country facing greater competition from other countries manufacturers that have excess production costs. American food imports has increased every year from the effects of increasing the number and standard of living. In 1996, imports of food (including animal feed) and agricultural inputs was RM10.5 billion compared with RM4.6 billion in 1990. In 1997 (January to October) the import is RM9.1 billion. Malaysia experienced a trade deficit in food (including pet food) and agricultural inputs. This means that there is an outflow of surplus state funds to finance imports. In 1996 exports amounted to RM4.2 billion, and in 1997 (January-October 1997) was RM4.5 billion. This means that the trade deficit in food and agricultural inputs in 1996 were RM6.3 billion and RM4.6 billion in 1997. Although, agriculture Malaysia at this time still dominates the market, there are concerns that performance will not last after the AFTA implementation. Malaysia agricultural products can only compete at this juncture because the aid of subsidies and taxes imposed on the protected agricultural neighbours. So too, some agricultural products from Thailand and Indonesia still cheaper than products in the country. Furthermore, the output of vegetables such as from Cameron Highlands will rising prices due to rising prices of fertilizers and pesticides. Thailand agricultural products are available for sale at half price until two or three times cheaper than our country. For example tomatoes from Thailand were sold at wholesale at a price of RM14-RM20 for 20 kilograms while tomatoes in Cameron Highlands can reaching up to RM40 for the same quantity of tomatoes. Meanwhile, Indonesian products such as cabbage are sold cheaper than double the output of cabbage Cameron Highlands. Indeed, Indonesia is the quality of vegetables grown in the highlands of Sumatra is not so good. However, if no taxes are high, prices will be very cheap to buy the buyer gets a big advantage. Although forced to remove the damaged portion of vegetables, this is definitely not a problem. Effects of AFTA can be clearly seen on the rice/paddy sector. Before the end of 2004, the government has raised taxes rice from 0% to 40%. The purpose of the import tariff is to protect the domestic price of imported rice to be higher than the price of local rice. AFTA law requires a maximum of 40% imposed in 2005 and will be reduced to 20% by 2010.  According to the local rice industry, the rate of 20% of rice imports in 2010 will not be able to protect the local rice industry. As a result farmers are ruined to excessive paddy supply and low prices. Our farmers also unable to compete in the open market without the subsidies provided by the government, as the production cost in neighbouring countries is much lower. Market supply of fish, especially for the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia such as Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and the time is increasingly dominated by catches of southern Thailand. After the implementation AFTA, the fish are expected to dominate the market throughout the country. This is because fish caught by fishermen Malaysia is higher due to rising diesel prices, rising hot spares, and transportation of fish to market high. Perhaps the most affected industries are the automobile, even though Malaysia postpone the opening of the domestic market to foreign products until 2005. AFTA also affects more than 300,000 families of rice planters, more than 80,000 fishermen families, more than 400,000 smallholder families, more than 250,000 rubber and oil palm smallholder families. This is because industrial crops such as palm oil, rubber and cocoa will be dominated by the estate and corporate. International agricultural companies large and small farmers would be competing with the cause of small farmers increasingly marginalized. This is due to AFTA is in favour of big traders but not the farmers and small entrepreneurs. At the same time, priority is given to corporations to develop the agricultural sector. Thus, large corporations dominated the entire process of agricultural production such as production and stocks of seeds, processing, packaging, transportation and marketing. Farmers do not have the authority to determine and only employee of large agricultural companies. Farmers also do not have the power in the production of agriculture product. No t only that, small farmers also have only two options if they cannot compete which are selling the land or work as labourers. Furthermore, implementation of AFTA has also affected the agricultural labourers. This is because the opening in the trade competitiveness of the company causing the transfer of labour-intensive to technology-intensive companies to reduce production costs. Thus, unskilled workers were adversely affected because the big businessmen looking for sites to operate in low-cost labour. The transfer also resulted in the employment opportunities of local workers and the diminishing power of employee consultation will also become more vulnerable. As a conclusion, the implementation of AFTA will affect the farmers adversely. A reduction in the import duty will make foreign rice cheaper and this will crowd out domestic rice production. This crowding effect may potentially result in the unemployment of some 150,000 rice farming households putting additional burden on the government.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Education Essays
Plagiarism and the Internet The Internet’s popularity has continued to grow since it first emerged, shocking the world with its never before seen technological capacities. It allowed for the communication of ideas and provided people with a wealth of information only a click away. More widely used now then ever before, the Internet supplies users with easy access to various kinds of information. With the unlimited availability of information on the web today, plagiarism has become a growing problem. The abundance of information available makes it easier and increases the temptation to steal other’s ideas. Plagiarism, which is taking credit for someone else’s ideas, is sometimes committed intentionally and other times accidentally. Often, copyrights are violated. In order to prevent this crime form being committed it is necessary that society is educated about copyright law and understands how to properly cite source material. If people understand what plagiarism is and the consequen ces they will face if detected, perhaps it is less likely that they will plagiarize. Today, 49% of people use the Internet as a reference source (â€Å"How†1). It contains a plethora of information, and documents found on the web can be of great use when doing research. However, if ideas, concepts, or words are taken from another author’s work, they must be properly cited. If they are not properly cited this is plagiarism, which is considered to be unethical act by society; it also violates copyright law, and thus is punishable by law. Often people do not realize that even if they are only paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s work, idea, or concept and not directly quoting it they are still plagiarizing. Borrowing another person’s idea is permissible if credit is given to whom it is due. However, stealing someone else’s work or idea and acting as if it were your own is not. Thus, it is pertinent that proper citation is always used. If one fails to use proper citation, one is guilty of plagiarism, and may face legal c harges for copyright violations. Plagiarism is not always committed intentionally, but the people who purposely attempt to deceive others by stealing someone else’s ideas should take into account the seriousness of their actions and the consequences they may face if caught. For those people who are guilty of plagiarism, but did so unintentionally and were simply unaware of what they were doing should also take into consideration their actions to try to prevent this act from occurring again in the future.
Of Mice and Men and Steinbeck’s Life Essay -- Biography Biographies Es
Of Mice and Men and Steinbeck’s Life    "If an author does not have at least one great popular success, he or she may well be ignored by the media, but if he or she is constantly popular, then the critics become suspicious of the writer's serious intentions" (Benson Introduction). What do critics from the literary world have to say about Steinbeck's writings? Critics have much to say, both positive and negative. What link exists between Steinbeck and his writings? Perhaps the most noteworthy biographical link between Steinbeck and his writings is that he was born and came to maturity in the Salinas Valley. In this area of California, bounded on the north and south by the Pajaro and Jolon valleys on the west and east by the Pacific Ocean and the Gabilan Mountains, Steinbeck found the materials for his fiction (Tedlock 3). John Steinbeck's agricultural upbringing in the California area vibrantly shines through in the settings and story lines of the majority of his works.  John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. His father's family, originally called Grossteinbeck, had come from Wuppertal, about twenty miles east of the German city of Dà ¼sseldorf. During summers he worked as a hired hand on nearby ranches, "nourishing" his impression of the California countryside and its people (Lisca 32). He made occasional exciting trips to San Francisco with his family and more frequent trips to the Monterey peninsula (Fontenrose 2). In 1918, he became ill with pneumonia and almost died, but he was able to recover. After graduating from Salinas High School in 1919, Steinbeck enrolled at Stanford University, taking courses in English and Marine Science (Bloom 11). He was always an excellent stude... ...he knowledge he gained and the images he conceived of California in his writings.  Works Cited Benson, Jackson J. The Short Novels of John Steinbeck. North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1990. Bloom, Harold. John Steinbeck. Pennsylvania: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. Davis, Robert Murray. Steinbeck: A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1972. Fontenrose, Joseph. John Steinbeck: An Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1964. French, Warren. John Steinbeck's Fiction Revisited. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1994. Lisca, Peter. The Wide World of John Steinbeck. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1958. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Books USA Incorporated, 1978. Tedlock, E.W. Steinbeck and His Critics. Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1957. Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day - Comparing Scenes in the Movie and Book :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day - Comparing Scenes in the Movie and Book    With the Nazi invasion of France in the early 1940s, Europe became a very turbulent and dangerous place. There were many concerns of the people of all the countries of the continent: bombings, invasion and especially espionage. In her novel The Heat of the Day, Elizabeth Bowen describes the unsettling and uneasiness that were apparent in England during the war. Although Bowen gives us an eloquent description of the happens in England, readers get a much better view on the happens in certain scenes by viewing the adaptation of the novel into film. Although there are many scenes to compare between the film and the novel, the scene chosen for this study will be the funeral of Cousin Francis and the first appearance of Harrison in the movie. This occurs in the fourth chapter of the novel. A discussion of Robert and Stella’s conversation in his room at Holme Dene will also occur. The first scene begins, in the film, with Stella walking into the church when the funeral is about to begin. We see that she chooses to sit on the right side of the coffin where we can only assume that the family is meant sit. Next we see the camera pan to a shot of a man sitting on the opposite side of the isle. At this point, unless the audience has read the book, we have no idea who this man is. The funeral commences, ends and the next shot we see is the members of the funeral procession heading to the post funeral gathering. One odd thing that we must note at this point is that the unknown man who sat in the back of the church does not walk with anyone else in the party: he seems to just be follower. Many things occur at this point in the film. We learn that Stella’s son Roderick has become the sole person to inherit Cousin Francis’ home, Mount Morris, according to the family lawyer. We also discover that no one in the whole funeral party knows who the man who sat in the back of the church is. It is here in which we learn that the man is called Harrison after he introduces himself to Stella.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Michael Smyth vs. Pillsbury Company. Essay
STYLE: Michael Smyth vs. Pillsbury Company. COURT: United States District Court of Pennsylvania. CITATION: 914 F. Supp. 97; 1996 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 776; 131 Lab. Cas. (CCH) P58, 104; 11 I.E.R. Cas. (BNA) 585. ISSUE: Can an employer be accused of violating public policy, tortuously invading privacy and subsequently be estopped from firing or discharging an at will employee, if for the purpose of company’s interest, it monitor an employee’s email communications over the company’s email system just to find them contrary to company’s interest? FACTS: Plaintiff, a manager at defendant’s company had work email account with access from home. Plaintiff was assured by defendant that email communication is private and confidential with no messages being intercepted and used employment termination. Plaintiff in reliance to promise to its detriment used work email system to make threatening email comments with supervisor was intercepted and employment was terminated. Court ruled in favor of Defendant as it was not evident if termination threatened or violated a clear mandate of public policy or Plaintiff’s common law right to privacy. HOLDING: An employer cannot be accused for violating public policy, privacy and/or discharging an employee according to restatement definition of tort of intrusion upon seclusion. LAW: Restatement (Second) of Torts  § 652B: Liability only attaches when the â€Å"intrusion is substantial and would be highly offensive to the ‘ordinary. â€Å"Unless an employee identifies a ‘specific’ expression of public policy violated by his discharge, it will not be labelled as wrongful and within the sphere of public policy†. EXPLANATION: The clear mandate of public policy must strike at the heart of a citizen’s social right, duties and responsibilities. Plaintiff was not fired for serving on jury duty, for prior conviction or for reporting violation of federal regulations to NRC. Plaintiff’s alleged unprofessional communication over email system utilized by entire company diminishes expectation of privacy. Plaintiff was not asked to disclose personal information by defendant. JUDGEMENT: The motion of the defendant to dismiss was granted. The complaint was dismissed with prejudice
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
King of Kong
The King of Kong A smattering of Quarters. The King of Kong A fistful of Quarters provided many techniques and insights into interviewing diametric people. This infotainment profiled people and commemorateed how they had become the people they were in there everyday lives. Many measure it showed previous achievements or failures and how they directly affect a persons will to succeed in the future. At the beginning of this film, Billy Mitchell was introduced as the successful gamer of the 80s that everyone one liked and looked up to.He was the idol of the sport world that had begun to make it when he achieved his high scores in many of the classic arcade games such as donkey kong. The directors clearly focussed on Billy Mitchells self self-confidence as he grew older and was engulfed into the percentage of being the best gamer in the world. By the end of the documentary, it is clear that Billy Mitchell is instanter viewed by some as invigoration in his own reality of the gaming world. The competitor in this film, Steve Wiebe, is portrayed as someone who has never quite been adequate to(p) to stool his finishings.He has not been as favorable as Billy Mitchell and he assumes the underdog role. passim the film he is forever attempting to reach his goal of breaking the Donkey Kong eternalise only to be shut scratch off by unfair circumstances. Many quotes are taken from Steve and his wife about his reliance, and get hold of of achieving the record for self justification. Throughout the blameless story, Steve is followed and shown the changes in his life do to this spick-and-span gaming need.Steve does not achieve his goal when he wanted to but the interviewees need to come back and show that he did eventually persevere and obtain his goal. They chose to show that Steve was not a quitter, and could achieve what he wanted to with dedication. Overall, this documentary shows man techniques of providing different sides and views of a story. They u sed family members, friends, and the persons own broadsheet to express the different experiences that had occurred.
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