Monday, September 30, 2019
Heart of Darkness/Blood Diamond
Greed is the Root of All Evil Greed exists at the centre of evil on not only an individual level, but also that of a communal and global level. Contextually there is a superficial alteration in the stimulus (Ivory vs. diamond) for greed and of global awareness towards the issue, although in the century that separates Joseph Conrad’s exploration of colonial regime in his novella Heart of Darkness and Edward Zwick’s post-colonial film Blood Diamond, the values driving the major characters and factions from the different texts are comparably similar.In both texts, there are individuals showcasing major facets motivated by greed, obsessed with the stimulus that is presented in either century. In Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the character ‘Kurtz’ is primarily stimulated by greed. His obsession with ivory was at an extreme where main character ‘Marlow’ refers to his physical appearance as â€Å"like a ball- an ivory ball†and as having a n â€Å"ivory face. †These respective simile and metaphors encapsulate how Kurtz had become gripped by ivory to the point where it was taking over his very being.This description that Kurtz is placed in is carried through to his dying moments where â€Å"The brown current ran swiftly out of the Heart of Darkness-Kurtz’s life was running swiftly, too†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This indirect juxtaposition links the ideas of Kurtz’s life with the Heart of Darkness, not being a physical location, but an internalised nature representing Kurtz. These links of the rapacious Kurtz to a being of pure immorality is an insight into the overtaken existence of greed within individuals of evil.In similarity, is ‘Colonel Coetzee’ from Zwick’s Blood Diamond. This individual has a lust for wealth, one so overbearing that it blinds him from the fact that he destroys masses of lives to achieve his personal benefit. A scene that best represents this mindless mass murder fo r a cause that results in selfish profit is the Colonel’s order from the helicopter, â€Å"I don’t give a damn who’s down there, kill them all! †A low angle close up shot of the centre framed helicopter is used, presenting it as an overpowering, menacing presence.The line itself poses an emphasis on the Colonel’s voracious motives, suggesting he would kill his friend, and main character ‘Danny Archer’, if it means his war is won and his seldom benefits are received. There is considered intertextuality between this quote and that of Kurtz from Heart of Darkness. At the complete loss of morality from Kurtz, a quote marks this points â€Å"Exterminate all the brutes. †These quotes juxtapose the two characters from the individual texts together and with it, their greedy purposes and malevolent natures, proving that the greed of an individual is the root of their co-existing evil.Greed driven corruption is also existential on a com munal level, both in Heart of Darkness and Blood Diamond. In Heart of Darkness, the Company is the centre of trade in the Congo, a seemingly legitimate industry, although with hidden voracious motives. â€Å"She talked about weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways-I ventured to hint that the Company was run for profit. †This understatement made by Marlow expresses the Company’s care, or lack of, for the natives of the Congo, but in fact they only care to exploit the natural resources.We are consistently hinted that their work isn’t â€Å"out there in the luminous estuary†but â€Å"within the brooding gloom. †These binary opposites are repeatedly used in the novella to separate the ideas of light and dark with good and evil respectively, an extreme use of irony that Conrad persists with throughout the book. This mindless exploitation is an example of how greed can negatively affect a community. The communal effects of evil driven b y rapacity in Blood Diamond, is displayed through the actions of the R. U.F, the Revolutionary United Front. Their turning of native children into child soldiers and other locals into slave labourers, marks their negligence to human life so that they can gain wealth from the diamond trade. A heavily symbolistic scene in the film is the celebration following the overtake of Freetown in Sierra Leonne by the R. U. F. The loud, scratchy music accompanying the low key lighting in contrast to the bright blurred flames creates a sense of chaos and lack of morality, emphasised by the fast cuts and camera movement.The chiaroscuro lighting on the character’s faces and the silhouettes juxtaposed to the bright fiery background symbolises their consummation by darkness. Several presentations of immoral acts are shown, dead bodies being strung, children consuming alcohol and drugs and the destruction of property, linking to the classical allusion of Dante’s Inferno, exemplifying poi ntless suffering and destruction. This, among other scenes, symbolises the complete carelessness for human life in the voracious scramble for Africa’s resources.Although in the century that separates the two texts, awareness has grown dramatically, the global scale of corruption due to acts of greed are present in both texts. In Heart of Darkness, the novella ends back aboard the boat with Marlow and his crew as they are â€Å"lead into the heart of an immense darkness. †The physical connotations of this quote is that the effects can be seen on the other side of the world in England, although ironically the Heart of Darkness doesn’t lie in both the Congo and the Thames but man himself, whose actions have a global effect; the actions of Kurtz. Upon the whole, the trade will suffer. I don’t deny there is a remarkable quantity of ivory-mostly fossil†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This quote demonstrates the global effect that Kurtz’s actions undertake, making a histo rical allusion to the fossil ivory that ended up in Siberia. This demonstrates the global effects that branches out from the corrupt actions of a greedy soul. In contrast, the global awareness to the situation in Blood Diamond was comparably increased to that of the nineteenth century, although the global effects of gluttony driven evil were evidently more severe. The third world is not a world apart†is an ironic statement represented by the heavily juxtaposed scenes between a G8 conference and the diamond fields of Sierra Leonne. The high key lighting of the conference opposed to the overcast lighting of the diamond fields along with the respective modern colour scheme and the dirty, unappealing colour scheme is contrasted with quick scene cuts to juxtapose the sheer difference between the two ‘separate worlds. ’ Although these two locations seem so distant, the effects are carried through from one to the other.The conflict diamonds reach the stores of the first world but â€Å"are not ours to steal in the name of comfort, corporations, and consumerism. †This captures the global effects that man’s greed enfolds, taking advantage of the actions of corruption for our own consumerism, or greed. So in the century that separates Joseph Conrad’s exploration of colonial regime in his novella Heart of Darkness and Edward Zwick’s post-colonial film Blood Diamond, there is sufficient evidence to remark that greed is the root of all evil in man, the effects spanning not only the heart of man but within its community and on a global scale.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Most important method for the purification of organic solids ; Separation of compounds based on differences in solubility between the compound of interest and its contaminants ; Basic technique: 1 . Dissolve impure sample in an â€Å"appropriate†hot solvent Part A: Choosing a Solvent Part B: Purification of Phonetic 2. Cool solution slowly to induce crystal growth 3. Filter resulting mixture to isolate crystals Reading: Mooring, Hammond & Chats Chi. 15 pigs 183-197 Chi. 0 pigs 104-113 Chi. 14 pigs 174-182 ; Scale: 5-10 MGM coverer based research – a new material prepared in a lab 1,000 keg + commercial applications – sugar refining, synthesis of pharmaceutical agents, etc. ; Molecular selection pure substance aggregation begins – based on size, shape, & functionality molecules deposit on growing surface in orderly manner, excluding those of different size of shape if deposition occurs too quickly, an impure substance can result crystal defects incorporate d impurities Rationalization Steps 1 .Choose an appropriate solvent – compound (solid) should be soluble when solvent is hot – compound should be insoluble when solvent is cold may require some trial & error 2. Dissolve impure compound in the minimum amount of hot solvent – too much solvent & compound may not come out when cool 3. Decolonize solution if needed with activated charcoal (Norris) – skip this step if no/ few colored impurities are present – be sure your compound is not supposed to be colored! 4. Filter off any insoluble materials – insoluble impurities and/or activated charcoal – done while solution is hot 5.Slowly cool the resulting solution to induce crystallization temperature, then in an ice bath – if no crystals form: scratch flask with glass rod or ad a seed crystal to the solution – first cool to room – these methods provide a nucleation point for crystallization 6. Collect and wash the crystals – collection typically by filtration (large quantities) – for small quantities can remove solvent with a pipette – wash crystals with a small amount of ice cold solvent – filtrate (â€Å"mother liquor†) can be concentrated to get â€Å"2nd crop†7.Dry the crystals thoroughly – apply vacuum & continue suction until crystals are dry – dry crystals further under vacuum in a side arm test tube – can also press solids between two pieces of filter paper Factors that Influence Melting Point ; Melting Point: point of equilibrium between crystalline & liquid states point at which a crystal goes from solid to liquid ; Temperature at which a compound melts is typically a range Factors that influence melting point temperatures: 1.Intermolecular forces start: temperature at which first drop of liquid forms a. Van deer Walls interactions very weak end: temperature at which all solid has turned to liquid b. Dipole-dipole interactions e. G. 82-ICC ; Why do we care about melting point? 1. Can be used to help identify substances ampere pm of unknown substance with that of known substance result from popularization of bonds c. Hydrogen bonding compounds having O-H or N-H bonds d. Ionic forces take a â€Å"mixed†melting point 2. Is an indicator of purity pure samples have narrow pm ranges (0. – 2 co) impure samples melt over a broader range (>ICC) & are depressed very strong 2. Shape ; strength & nature of intermolecular interactions impact melting point temperature Melting Point as an Indicator of Purity ; In a pure sample, all surface molecules need the same energy to escape. Leads to a narrow melting point range. For melting to occur, surface molecules must have enough energy to break free. Stronger intermolecular interactions = more energy required for molecules to â€Å"escape†.Translates to a higher pm. ; In an impure sample, intermolecular forces are disrupted in the region of the impurit y. Less energy thus required for surface molecules to break free. Crystal begins to liquefy at a lower temperature ; structural features that influence how molecules pack together impact melting point temperature symmetrical compounds typically have higher melting points features that disrupt crystal lattice lower melting point Next Week Experiment 2: Rationalization & Melting Point A.Choosing a Solvent identify an appropriate solvent for the rationalization of phonetic B. Purification of Phonetic purify the impure solid evaluate success by melting point & TTL Come prepared. You will get only one sample of phonetic DUE: Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Report (expo 1) Lab Reports are due at the beginning of your regular lab session ; Still some regions without impurities. Additional energy required for surface molecules in these regions to break free. End result is that melting point range is broadenedExperimental Details – Part A – prepare a hot water bath begin heating as soon as you arrive in lab – put a spatula tip of the impure compound into a small test tube no need to get an accurate mass – to the 1st tube, add 0. 5-1 ml of one of the solvents to be tested 10-20 drops (1 drop = ca. 0. Ml) – evaluate behavior: upon addition of solvent, when hot, when cold if compound dissolves upon addition, no need to go further if solids remain, heat in hot water bath to near boiling
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sport should govern itself on the field of play. The criminal law has Essay
Sport should govern itself on the field of play. The criminal law has no role to play in the regulation of sports field violence - Essay Example The argument surrounds the presence of the defense of implied consent, whereby the victim, realizing the possibility of harm involved, has given his consent to the risk of its occurrence. This applies to all contact sports, be it football, basketball, or wrestling and works in favor of the athletes in so much as allowing them to play to their fullest in the knowledge that, if they were to correspond to the rules of the game, they would not be liable for any consequential bodily harm. It seems, however, that the injured victim has to bear the entire burden, as he may have to spend time in the hospital, away from his livelihood. It is suggested that the issue is one of appropriate balance, where the courts, in favor of upholding public policy, may find themselves awarding punishment for intentionally injurious acts in order to provide effective deterrence to careless athletes in the future. The courts normally only intervene to determine the presence or absence of consent, which is provided as a defense by case law as well as statutory law to both assault and battery as prescribed by s. 47, 20, 18, and 20 of the Offense Against the Person Act 1861. In R v Brown (Anthony Joseph)1 Lord Templeman and Lord Jauncey declared that consent is more aptly deemed a defense as opposed to an element of the offense, a view endorsed by the Law Commission2. The effect of this is in shifting the burden of proof towards the defendant. In sports law, it is the victim’s implied informed consent to partake in the nature of the sport that shows his awareness to the risk of bodily harm. The requirement of knowledge of the degree of harm can be explained by the case of Konzani (2005)3. In that case, it was accepted by the courts that consent to the exact nature of the harm (such as the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease) must be there before the defendant can use it as a defense. Consent given must
Friday, September 27, 2019
Passing data with OSI modle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Passing data with OSI modle - Essay Example formation relayed from a computer system passes through the application layer in its system which in turn transmits the same information to the presentation layer and eventually to the session layer and so down the physical layer. The physical layer places the information in physical network radium and sent to the next computer system through the medium (Lathem 6). The physical phase in the receiving computer removes the information from the physical network medium and is received across the receiving computer system (Lathem 6). The physical layer of this computer passes the information upwards to the data link layer 2, which then passes on to the network layer 3 and so on until it reaches the application layer of the computer system. Eventually the application layer of the receiving computer system passes the information to its application program to finish the communication process (Lathem 6). Encapsulation process involves transmission of information that goes down the OSI model in the computer system in which the information originates from (Whitaker 44). The application layer which has the user interface passes data to the presentation layer and eventually to the session layer. There is extra information added by these three layers compared to the original information (Kasera 18). The new information is then passed on to the transport level in which information is broken down into smaller particles known as segments. These segments are well aligned to enable a stream of the same information to the recipient. The receiving layer receives information from the transport layer in segments that were subdivided (Whitaker 44). Network addressing and routing is done to the segments through the internet network. The data at this level includes the transport header and the upper information known as a packet (Kasera 18). The packets are added with an IP header of the network lay er then send to the Data link layer. The data link layer also transmits each packet in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Products Liability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Products Liability - Research Paper Example Company description The Ford Motor Company is one of the leading manufacturers of vehicles and has a strong position in the global automotive market. The company widely engages in the development, manufacturing, distribution and service of vehicles, parts and their accessories. Ford corporate philosophy of stable improvement powerfully contributes to its immense achievement. The company endeavors to enhance its car products to appeal to its customers both buyers and potential buyers. At present, it concentrates on an advanced generation of consumers and creating stronger ties with this youthful market. As a result of its novel strategy, Ford has created a new line of vehicles, targeting the generation of â€Å"cool†and Ford main competitors include Toyota motor Company and GM motors (Steering Committee on Product Liability and Innovation, National Academy of Engineering, 2004). The product safety issue that led to the lawsuit Ford Motor Company was recently involved in an acc ident involving a 15 passenger Ford F-350 Econoline Van. Information shows that the van skidded off northbound interstate 5 in Kern County after the tread separated on its rear right tire. It becomes evident that evidence from the trial testified that the Ford officials had earlier on been contacted by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and knew that the product was defective, but the company officials never made any effort to conduct its dealers or its customers. Further evidence also shows that one of the men killed in the rollover was not wearing a seat belt during the accident. The panel also found that it would not have mattered in a crash in which the van rolled over four times while travelling at 70 miles per hour. Ford was then assessed with 59 percent comparative fault. It was also assessed $50,000,000 in punitive damages as a result of the accident (Steering Committee on Product Liability and Innovation, National Academy of Engineering, 2004). The legal theories used by the plaintiff to recover in this lawsuit, how the lawsuit was resolved, and why you agree with the decision in the case The legal theory applied in the above case is product liability and negligence. The theory states that any injuries, death or any loss which may be as a result of a person or entity's negligence to fulfill any legal duty owed to another may be responsible for the act. These injuries are based on the legal theory of product liability and negligence and for one to establish a legal claim for negligence, it is required that the plaintiff must show that the defendant had a legal duty, the defendant breached that duty and this breach was the proximate cause of the plaintiff injuries and the plaintiff was injured or even damaged in one way or the other. While laws may differ from state to state, deaths or injuries may be imposed for negligence (Birsch & Fielder, 2004). For instance, Kristi D. Roofer one of the plaintiffs sued the company over the manufacturers who sold t he van which was involved in that accident as Ford failed to establish that no genuine issue of material fact exists. The lawsuit argues that the vehicle was defective and unreasonably dangerous and ultimately caused the death of the passengers. The defendant is accused of negligence for failing to design and manufacture a crashworthy vehicle and with proper seat belts to reduce accident deaths
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
How Facilities and Resources in UK University Libraries Assist Essay
How Facilities and Resources in UK University Libraries Assist Students in Their Course of Work - Essay Example As the report declares there is a great deal of demand on students to be well armed with knowledge and relevant material for their course work and this relatively depends to the sources of material that they have access to. That is why libraries are of great importance to university students in the pursuit of academic excellence. The libraries stock all kinds of information through a wide variety of subjects. This assists university students in getting references for their various courses and it is compulsory for them to use these materials to understand the complexities of their curricula. Libraries have evolved with age and time in terms of their ways of preserving information. Initially, there were only books and other written material in the libraries but today, virtual libraries have emerged owing to the widespread use of internet in this digital age. This essay stresses that despite this transition in libraries, there are still misgivings on the capability of libraries to assist university students in their course work. The facilities and resources available in the libraries are the greatest concerns as far as the relevance of these libraries to the students is concerned. This is largely in connection to the rise in number of students pursuing university education and the effect of the internet as a key resource of preserving information. Digitizing of libraries has had a major impact in terms of financing for expansion so as to accommodate the computers for accessing information on the net.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Below the line marketing activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Below the line marketing activities - Essay Example Below the line, efforts should â€Å"aspire to establish targeted relationships between marketers and individual consumers, and offer comparable ease in measurability (V12 Group, 2006: 2). The key term in this definition is measurability, which is something that below the line efforts provide. However, a below the line activity such as the distribution of target customer promotional cards would indicate the volume of promotional literature returned, offering a specific return ratio based on percentages sent and volume returned. When using this type of below the line marketing, it is clear to see that a significant advantage lies in measurability for the sake of strategic or operational planning. Carter (2006) offers a wider variety of activities associated with below the line marketing, including text message promotions, sales catalogs, trade shows and public relations events. Unlike above the line efforts which are generally variable in cost, below the line efforts are usually fixe d fees associated with the promotion. The development of various keychains or other logo-inspired products used for promotion would be common items of the below the line marketing activity. Flack (2008) offers the importance of below the line promotion by suggesting that the consumer population has evolved far beyond the traditional, promotional writing pen, thus companies need to come up with a more brand-focused and innovative series of promotional materials in order to capture the sophisticated consumer attention.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Performance Appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Performance Appraisal - Essay Example During the process of appraisal, each employee performance is reviewed against the objectives and standards for the financial year as agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. It is very important for career and succession planning purposes for the employees, jobs that are crucial and for the entire organisation. Despite the fact that performance appraisal is mainly used for motivation of employees, it has a number of purposes which include: development of positive attitude towards work, behavior development, communication and alignment of employees and organization objectives and boosting the positive relationships between the employer and the employees (Grote 107). Each organization has its own performance appraisal system. This work would focus on the development of a performance appraisal system for the Verizon Wireless. As it would turn out later, the appraisal system depends on the kind and nature of the job being appraisal. Technical and complex jobs require more appraisals. In such cases, appraisal is mainly used to retain the employees. This paper would develop an appraisal system for a customer service post (Grote 111). Retail customer support representative is expected to handle the customers issues related to the company. Based on the performance, the retail customer support representative would be appraised in a number of ways. Following an excellent job, the company, through the human resource department would appreciate the work done by retail support representative by offering one or combination of the following items or rewards. The person would be offered an award-winning training and competitive salary if he or she displayed high level of quality in key areas such as time consciousness, communication and presentation skills. The nature of appraisal would depend on the area(s) perfectly done (Grote 113). The employee who would display perfection in key areas such as time management or
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Organisational System Security Internet Security Issues Essay Example for Free
Organisational System Security Internet Security Issues Essay Adware – Is a software which you get when you have downloaded a different program or software for free or at a reduced price. Its main purpose is to download adverts to your computer screen when you visit websites. Adware is seen by a developer as away to recover costs of making software. But to the general user adverts on there monitor are annoying because it puts them off of what there doing and they have to close every advert down manually. Blackhat – Is a name given to a hacker whose purpose is to access data with out permission and to damage it or change it. Blackhat hackers can do this for arrange of reasons to make profit or as a hobby. They may also send other users viruses, internet worms or spam them. This type of hacker is known as the bad guy in the computer world. Botnet – Is a software robot, when a spammer sends out viruses to general users a Bot is attached to it. Once the spammer has control of the infected computers then they will have to purchase a Botnet which then lets them operate the controlled computers, then the spammer will send out a message to the computers cause them to send spam to mail servers, resulting in users opening up there mail will have tons of junk. Denial of service – Is an attack which leaves users with out use of the services of a website which they would normally use. The DoS attack does not normally mean the controller of it has stolen information, but has cost the company which it has targeted money and time. This can cause users that use that company’s website to purchase what they want from another website meaning that company’s business rivals are making money from the DoS attack on them. Exploit – Is a software which contains commands that take advantage of a computer system with weak security, the purpose of an exploit is to give a user more privileges on a computer system allowing them to access more data which was previously restricted from them. A weakness in the exploit is that it stops running when a newer version of the software is installed. Keylogger – Is a device which you can get as software or hardware it is connected or installed inside your keyboard. Its function is to log in keystrokes. There are many different reasons why we may use this such as helping fix computer system errors or seeing how an employee users there keyboard to see if there good at there job. You can purchase Keylogger’s off the internet. Malware – Is a software, its task is to damage a computer system such as to give a computer system a virus. Malware gets its name from the beginning of the word malicious and the ending of the word software. Malware’s include arrange of harmful programs such as computer viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits and sometimes adware. Packet sniffing – Is a software or hardware which is used to analyze traffic that is passing through over a network. The packet sniffer checks each packet then decodes them so that they can be analyzed, to check there content. The analyzing is useful for finding out network problems, monitor network usage from users and debug client and network protocols. This will help maintain a network. Phishing – Is a term given that is a breech of security by a hacker. Such as attempting to acquire sensitive information on other computer users like there usernames, passwords and credit card information. The hackers target popular websites such as eBay, MySpace and PayPal. They get hold of user’s personnel information by sending fake emails pretending to by your bank. Piggybacking – Is a computer word which refers to a user connecting there laptop or computer to another persons internet connection. Then using the internet without the permission of the owner of the internet connection. But if you own a cafà © and have a hotspot this is not considered piggybacking because you have given permission to people to use your hotspot to connect to the internet. Spyware – Is a computer software that is secretly installed on to your computer and can take control over something’s that you do on it. It can install software which you did not want on your computer also it can make you go on websites that you did not click to go on and it could led you to harmful viruses that could affect your computer. When turning off your computer spyware can even change your computer settings. Trojan – A Trojan is a computer virus that appears on your computer designed to cause your computer harm. It has been know to be similar to a worm. Some Trojans may not cause harm to your computer but the six main types of Trojans are ones that cause remote access, data destruction, download, get on to a server, anti – viruses software disabler and denial of service attack. Whitehat – Is the name given to a hacker, who’s purpose is to prevent a breech of security within a company or organization. They are normally employed by a company to protect against there counterparts blackhat hackers who want to hack and steal information and data that does not belong to them. In the computing world the Whitehat hacker is know as the good guy. Worm – Is a computer program which sends copies of its self to networks, designed to cause harm to the network that they have targeted. It likes to eat up the bandwidth used on the network. Worms can also cause serious harm and damage to a computer operating system by attacking the weak parts of the computer. Zero-day Attack – Is a threat to computers, by trying to take control of computer applications that are unknown or patchfree. The attacker that controls the zero-day attack normally sets it up on a public forum because of the number of users that it could affect. Zombie – Is a computer that has been attached to the internet by a computer hacker. The owners of zombie computers do not know that there computers have be compromised. They are normally used as part of a botnet, but while they have been put in zombie mode the hacker can use other user’s computers to send Trojans or other harmful viruses. Resources Adware Blackhat Botnet Denial of service,,sid92_gci213591,00.html Exploit Keylogger Malware Packet sniffing Phishing Piggybacking Spyware Trojan Whitehat Worm Zero-day Attack Zombie
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Preserve Toothbrushes Essay Example for Free
Preserve Toothbrushes Essay Strategic planning is an important aspect for any business or corporation. Without it, an organization has no way to achieve a stated goal. They have no way to march towards their vision. In the case of Eric Hudson, an entrepreneur with a vision, he successfully created a business with a goal in mind and implemented a strategic plan to make it happen. Every small business startup has to have some edge in order to compete; otherwise they will be forced out by larger, pre-existing competitors. For Preserve, this meant identifying and filling a niche in an industry largely consisting of multinational conglomerates. For Eric Hudson, this meant thinking critically, having a plan, and implementing it in order to carry out his vision. Preserve found its niche in environmentally friendly toothbrushes. Preserve created an environmentally friendly toothbrush manufactured from recycled plastic. Further enhancing the product was a unique 45 degree angled head designed by Hudson’s father, an industrial engineer. At the time, the â€Å"green†movement was largely a niche in itself. While not a first-mover, others were already in the â€Å"green†products industry; Preserve had a modified approach of the second-mover strategy. It did not create the â€Å"green†industry, but it did create a new product. It was often a small market for â€Å"green†products, and the products that existed were often less effective and of poor quality. However, for Eric Hudson, he made it his vision to provide an environmentally friendly product without sacrificing quality or performance. Initially, Preserve’s toothbrush was marketed through grassroots movements and sampling. However, it was at one of the sampling events, that an employee from Stonyfield Yogurt, an organic yogurt company, approached Preserve and relayed the information that they consistently had leftover plastic from producing yogurt containers. With this bit of information, Preserve had a new strategic alliance that provided them with the raw materials to produce its product, and Stonyfield had the ability to promote tself as an environmentally friendly corporation as a result of its efforts. Preserve is a small, niche brand, and like most other small niche brands, their marketing budget pales in comparison to its larger competitors. In Preserve’s case, they focus on generating publicity to promote and advertise their brand. The best advertisement is free advertisement, and Preserve tends to generate a lot of magazine articles and television appearances. This in turn generates word of m outh testimonials, the most effective form of advertising. Businesses in general should continually strive to enhance their business model and update their strategic plan. A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for examining a business and how it is meeting its basic mission. By comparing the firm’s strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats, a SWOT analysis provides managers with a view of the organization’s internal and external environments. In turn, this analysis can be used to determine if the firm is meeting expectations or if it is on track to meet expectations. Preserve’s director of marketing, C. A. Webb, admits that she doesn’t actually perform SWOT analysis’s, but certainly uses that form of thinking consistently when implementing new products, distribution channels, designs, or other decisions. In fact, it was this style of thinking that led to Preserve to focus its effort on packaging its unknown product in order to appeal to a more sophisticated market and consumer. It was crucial to target a specific audience because retailers could not devote large amounts of shelf space to a small brand such as Preserve. So Preserve made it their mission to go up against their large competitors in the only way possibleâ€â€out marketing them. Business strategy and strategic plans are crucial for any business, small, medium, or large. Preserve certainly provides an excellent example of the necessity of a strategic plan and how following one can lead to success, provided the organization has the necessary strengths and environment as can be determined by a SWOT analysis. Preserve’s success can certainly be attributed to a successful business plan, as well as careful planning. Both are important lessons to be taken away from Preserve’s market presence.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Virginia Henderson’s Need Based Theory and Implications
Virginia Henderson’s Need Based Theory and Implications Virginia Henderson’s Need Based Theory and Practice Implications Katherine Rose Virginia Henderson’s Theory of Principles and Practice of Basic Nursing Care According to Nicely and DeLario (2010) Virginia Henderson’s theory, Need Based, which is derived from the Principles and Practice of Nursing is a grand theory that focuses on nursing care and activities of daily living. This theory is appropriate to my future practice setting as a Family Nurse Practitioner within the Emergency Department or Fast Track/Urgent Care setting. This theory is applicable within this setting since â€Å"meeting patient needs in the areas of respiration, nutrition, elimination, body mechanics, rest and sleep, keeping clean and well groomed, controlling the environment, communication, human relations, work, play, and worship (Masters, 2015, p. 384), as these will be advanced nursing care areas that I will need to promote for my patients basic needs. Henderson’s Background and Theory Development Virginia Henderson, born in 1897, was a world renowned Nurse educator, researcher and author of many nursing textbooks whose career spanned 60 years; considered by many as the modern day Florence Nightingale (Masters, 2015). A profound change occurred in her life which was around the time of WW one, during this time her nursing experience evolved while in school which resulted in obtaining a bachelors and a masters in nurse education (Masters, 2015). This experience was able to help her see a vision for basic nursing care with patient focus on patient independence with activities of daily living (ADLs), being the basis of her framework and practice. Henderson became a professor at Yale University where she wrote many nursing textbooks that emphasized nursing care, studies, principles and practice (Masters, 2015). She was able to define her personal nursing theory and create the theory that focused on basic nursing care and patients ADL’s. Encouraged by her nursing research she was able to speak around the world and focused on an international approach for better patient care (Masters, 2015). According to Masters (2015) Virginia Henderson received several honorary degrees during her respectable nursing career which included the Christiane Reimann Prize from the International Council of Nursing. Possible Reference for Theory Due to Virginia Henderson being an author she received a position collecting, reviewing and chronicling every nursing research that has been published allowing her to write volumes on nursing research and studies (Vera, 2014a). This may have allowed her to come up with analytical applications on what nursing was and could have drawn her strengths and assumptions from her review of researched material. Some may say that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs was the reference to her theory as the needs are somewhat similar of what actions or roles one may be or need assistance with in order for independence and wellbeing. Phenomenon of Nursing and Common Problems The common problems of Virginia Henderson’s need based theory, this theory outlines the 14 components of fundamental nursing care and interventions that patients have or use as part of their independence and ADLs (Masters, 2015). As a future APRN the common problems that are resolved are 14 components that maintain the patient’s physical functions, safety and maintaining a sense of wellbeing and finding oneself in relation to where they see themselves in life (Masters, 2015). Deductive Reasoning for Theory Virginia Henderson utilized scientific method which is considered deductive reasoning to come up with the needs based theory. Deductive reasoning allows for an inquiry decision to arrive at a solution to an issue, an action – reaction system where there is a cause to a component there will be an effect on the component, with independence on its own essence with or without external circumstances (Masters, 2015). According to Masters (2015), Virginia Henderson’s utilized the physical, emotional and mental (psychological components) to deductively arrive to this theory even though she did not intend to imply a new nursing theory; the theory is in relation to Maslow’s theory though Henderson was not aware but the 14 sub-concepts relate and coincide with Maslow’s. Explanation, Definition and Interpretation of Concepts and the Four Metaparadigms Henderson made an assumption of her work that it was not a nursing theory so she did not fully identify her concepts but researchers were able to come up with concepts from her work that actually follow the common metaparadigm’s of nursing which she included within her definition of nursing. According to Masters (2015), Virginia â€Å"did not intend to develop a theory of nursing, she did not develop the interrelated theoretical statements or operational definitions necessary to provide theory testability (p. 390)†. Concepts include person, environment, health and nursing. Person is defined â€Å"as the patient who is composed of biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual components (Masters, 2015, p. 387)†. These compositional segments are not separate entities but help to assist the nurses towards interventions for the 14 components of care, the person and family are not separate either but are considered a whole item (Masters, 2015). Virginia Hende rson was able to keep all concepts of theory and definition consistent throughout since they overlapped and interrelated with each other to include a whole person aspect. Environment is important to a person’s perception of health and wellbeing but can also affect a person’s physical as well as mental wellbeing. Henderson identified a person’s environment as external elements that help to mold and shape an organisms life and physical change; three areas of environment that are important are biological, physical and behavioral (Masters, 2015). Biological includes anything that is living and breathing organism, such as flora and vertebrate, physical components like basic elements for life such as the sun, elemental chemicals and compounds. Both physical and biological elements work harmoniously together in symbiosis, when something changes it affects the whole ecological system and puts a strain on the symbiotic relationship of the physical and biological environment (Masters, 2015). Behavioral health influences the person and is the last component of environment; influencers include socioeconomic elements, political, cultural, and spiritual aspects. Health was not a component of Henderson concept that was clearly defined but Henderson did imply that health was in relation to one’s independence (Masters, 2015). Basically, the 14 components of basic needs relate to the persons health as health relates to independence with activities of daily living. Nursing is very clearly defined by Virginia Henderson and she has one of the best known definitions of nursing. According to Virginia Burggraf (2012) Virginia Henderson defined nursing as: the unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible. As for advanced practice nursing fields Virginia Henderson was a proponent for nurses to be independent practitioners she may have not wanted full practice independence as she was not for nurses taking on what she perceived as physician duties such as diagnosis, treatment, and making judgment calls (Masters, 2015). Proposition of Concepts Masters (2015) suggest that nurses are viewed as a helper, assistant and companion to a patient’s health role and wellbeing. The relationship aspect is that when a patient is sick the nurse helps the patient to get better and recover, while the patient is in rehabilitation role the nurse assists the patients in achieving independence. Lastly the nurse is a companion during planning of care, goal setting, and preventive maintenance initiatives. Assumptions of Needs Theory According to Masters (2015) there are seventeen assumptions of the Needs theory that were implicated from Henderson’s theory they include: Nurses must assist people with illnesses; nurses must collaborate within an interdisciplinary team and become independent professionally from the physician; 14 concepts of nursing describe patient needs and complete nursing functions; goals are achieved with a symbiotic relationship between patient and nurse with health promotion as the nurses main goal; patient and family are one with mind and body being one within the person; assist patient with independence while the patient controls their physiological and psychological harmony; people function in health at all times and must maintain independence and relationships; people maintain health status with knowledge and awareness; illness effects environment conditions and nurses should maintain a safe environment; nurses must be culturally competent and must maintain best practice methods wh ile relying on evidence-based research methods. As explained above the four major concepts were defined by Virginia Henderson that also describes the four metaparadigm’s as Henderson theory is the foundation of nursing practice. Henderson theory does include sub-concepts which will be explained. These 14 sub-concepts are: normal respiration, proper nutrition and hydration, waste elimination and management, mobility for posture maintenance, sleep and relaxation, proper appearance and grooming, thermoregulation through external factors, safe environment and preventive injury, communicate emotional concerns and distress, spiritual worship, career leading to achievement, recreational activities, and utilization of health resources and using healthcare facilities (Vera, 2014b). These are all relevant elements to an APRN as these can be used within assessment towards finding the patient’s independence level and to assess patient’s assistance in obtaining or maintaining activities of daily living for basic needs (Mas ters, 2015). Theoretical Clarity and Applicability Virginia Henderson theory is very easily understandable and covers a broad range of nursing especially the APRN as independence was a goal for Henderson’s nursing goal besides patient’s health promotion. The definition of nursing is clear and very lucid and applicable to her assumptions and components of theory. Since it was not her motive to come up with a nursing theory consistency within the theory is adequate though death is not clarified as she maintains that nurses should be there for patient death and comfort but no suggestion as what one must do or grief assistance with the family and patient. Theory Sub-concepts in Practice and Guidance of Nursing Actions Utilizing Virginia Henderson’s basic needs theory and its 14 concepts will be beneficial in my practice as a new Family Nurse Practitioner. As I would like to work within the emergency department, putting into action clinical provider interventions would lead to examples such as: concept of breathing normally would lead me to administer my patient oxygen with an Albuterol treatment and treat with intravenous Solu-Medrol. Eating and drinking appropriately, proper nutrition is vital for diabetes management, weight management, heart health, wound healing, autoimmune disease, and patients overall health. Body waste removal, imbalanced removal of body waste can indicate if there is an organism illness such as C. difficile, being aware of normal elimination methods and treating with antifungals and antibiotics with probiotic treatment for maintenance for good gut health. Movement and mobility, it is important to maintain my patients independence so splinting fractures from sports injuries, or advising low impact exercise and flexibility exercises to arthritic and osteoporosis patients are crucial to my practice development. Sleep and relaxation is important sub-concept of Henderson theory, maintaining my patients sleep rhythm and patterns by decreasing external stimuli while my patient is in the ED at night, and providing privacy and comfort during the day and more importantly at night will allow a calmer and more enhanced patient experience. Dressing appropriately is important to the patient’s perception of physical self and wellbeing. Being able to dress independently is an important ADL, within the ER this can be seen when patient is able to wear a gown and apply it on themselves without assistance, providing them time to dress themselves without being an inconvenience to acuity. Body temperature regulation is important to the patient’s physical health, if a patient can not regulate their temperature heat blankets or mechanical regulated blankets like a Bair hugger can be applied to maintain proper thermoregulation. Clean body and protection of the skin, importance of promoting proper body hygiene and infection prevention practices and isolation procedures for my fellow employees and nurses and educate them to teach patients as well as family upon entering the ED and seeing the patient. Avoiding a dangerous environment, it is important to teach staff to transport patients within the ED and to other areas of the hospital is important for their physical health. Properly utilizing body mechanics, identifying fall risk patients intervening by locking bed and wheelchair wheels when necessary and maintaining a clean uncluttered patient room and hallway environment for patient safety. Communication with others about feelings, it is important to use interpersonal and therapeutic communication and as a future APRN it is vital for me to actively listen to my patients and fellow team. Being able to empathize with a patient can open up to psychiatric, emotional and social traumas one may have occurred during an assessment history intake and being able to empathetically listen while making a proper medical judgement call is important for patients wellbeing. Spiritual worship is important to the person’s mental and emotional wellbeing. As an APRN allowing others cultural and spiritual options influence their medical decision needs to be respected and nurtured as vital for the patients and families. Assimilation into the healthcare system that may or may not nurture their spiritual/cultural decision. This will increase my spiritual/cultural competence. Work that increases oneself worth, important for patients mental health, leads to feelings of independence. Allowing one to continue their work and hobby benefits them to feel independent and able to fulfill their ADL’s. So maintaining ones finger after a work related accident by suturing and referral or assistance with a plastic surgeon is important knowledge to maintain in allowing ones independence. Recreation activities benefits the patients physical health, some patients come to the ED after a sports injury so maintaining a sprain ankle by wrapping it and teaching the patient to utilize crutches and slowly introduce low impact, low weight bearing exercise while teaching proper NSAID administration is important in preserving my patients future recreational activities. Normal health development and its resources, when I become a new APRN learning the different patients and diagnosis I see and utilizing a cohesive interdisciplinary team who is more knowledgeable as a resource is important for best practices towards the patient for their optimum health. Conclusion Virginia Henderson’s needs theory is applicable to many disciplines of nursing with various practice scopes. Utilizing this theory and putting it into action within practice is very adaptable and allows one to reflect on their nursing competency when it involves maintaining a person’s health promotion and independence level. As stated by Masters (2015) with Henderson’s philosophy of applying best practice methods which involve evidence-based research, advanced practice application of theory can be a foundation for their nursing process. References Burggraf, V. (2012). Overview and summary: The new millennium: Evolving and emerging nursing roles. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(2). doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No02ManOS Masters, K. (2015). Models and theories focused on nursing goals and functions. In J. B. Butts, K. L. Rich (Eds.), Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 377-407). Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning. Nicely, B., DeLario, G. T. (2011). Virginia hendersons principles and practice of nursing applied to organ donation after brain death. Progress in transplantation, 21(1), 72-77. Vera, M. (2014). Virginia henderson The first lady of nursing. Retrieved from Vera, M. (2014). Virginia henderson’s nursing need theory. Retrieved from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Confederacy of Dunces Essays: Last Encounter :: A Confederacy of Dunces
A Confederacy of Dunces - Last Encounter In his last encounter in the novel, Ignatius returns to the ill-reputed Night of Joy. He is still employed by Paradise Vendors and wears the ridiculous costume of a pirate that is mistaken for a Mardi Gras costume. Ignatius attends Dorian Greene's strange party and the distance between the "bodily" dunce and "intellectual" genius is extended. He tries to speak at the party but no one will listen and he cannot handle being rejected for his ideas so he leaves. Throughout the rest of the novel, Ignatius exhibits characteristics of a dunce according to the rest of the characters. At the point when Ignatius disrupts Darlene's Harlett O' Hara act, he follows a series of unfortunate events. The bird attacks him for his novelty earring and Ignatius runs around like a "big crazyman"(285). He bounces out of the bar and runs out into the street, only to come face to face with the headlights of the Desire bus. As Ignatius faints from shock, he shows the reader how awkward and clumsy he is. He ha s the chance to avoid everything that happens but his dunce tendencies take control. He is ridiculed by everyone at the scene for his possession of Lana Lee's naked pictures and ends up being the comedian and clown for the hour. Ignatius looks like a "dead cow lying in the street" according to the newspaper photograph and the reader sees the reactions to the incident from every character(289). Mr. Clyde sees Ignatius as "a big ape" and only wishes that he can retrieve his costume from him(293). Dr. Talc needs to find Ignatius to clear his name but decides against it when he sees the paper. He realizes that Ignatius is the dunce but that he also has a way of turning things around which may be detrimental to Dr. Talc. Miss Annie reads the paper and vows to run Ignatius and Irene out of the neighborhood. She is only worried about the reputation of the neighborhood. Patrolman Mancuso is grateful for his luck in stopping the chain of pornography sales along with the incarceration of the three brute women who had attacked him once before. Santa Battaglia talks to the picture of her mother and comments on how awful Irene must be feeling and has no remorse for Ignatius. Claude is only worried that he will not be able to handle such a disgrace as a stepson.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy Essay -- utopia, insomia patient, go
Essay Option 2: Looking Backward: Government and power imbalance from 1887 – 2000 The vision and ideas in Bellamy’s book Looking Backward that stronger government would create a utopian society were mainly related to the power imbalance developing in the gilded age, the ideas of social theorists like Henry George, workers’ rights movements known as unions and the actions of government leaders in the 19th century. In Bellamy’s book, a major theme in Julian’s journey through the year 2000 and throughout the comparison between 1887 and 2000 is that there is a vision of strong government control over multiple aspects of life more so in the dream 2000 than had been in 1887. Many of those included jobs, education, shopping and business related commercial aspects and people’s daily lives. The most important aspects of life that the government controlled were Jobs and Education because without those, there is no society. Looking Backward is about Julian West, a thirty-year-old insomnia patient born into the 1800’s. During the 19th century, the majority of the world was impoverished and the wealthy people wanted to help but they believed that there was no way to do so without losing their wealth. Julian planned to marry his fiancà ©, Edith Bartlett when their house was built but there were many builder strikes going on at the time and the house wasn’t going to be built for another year. Decoration day was a holiday that had honored union workers and Julian celebrated this holiday with Edith’s family. Due to Julian’s insomnia, he had built a secret sleeping chamber underground to aid in proper sleep. Dr. Pillsbury put Julian to sleep every night but was offered a new job and had to leave. Julian was in such a deep sleep that night and wa... ...d age, the ideas of social theorists like Henry George, workers’ rights movements known as unions and the actions of government leaders in the 19th century. In Bellamy’s book, a major theme in Julian’s journey through the year 2000 and throughout the comparison between 1887 and 2000 is that there is a vision of strong government control over multiple aspects of life more so in the dream 2000 than had been in 1887. Many of those included jobs, education, shopping and business related commercial aspects and people’s daily lives. After looking deeper into the book, the most important and frequently mentioned aspects of life were Jobs and Education because without those, there is no ability to have a higher functioning society beyond poverty and day laborers. Works Cited 1. Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 2. Retrieving the American Past
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Mission to Help Students Achieve Academic Excellence Essay
PHOENIX, AZ, JUNE 24, 2014 /PRESSRELEASEPING/ – ACADEMIC WRITING IS AN IMPORTANT ACTIVITY done by every student, at all level of education in order to satisfy course work requirement. â€Å"Students are required to undertake a variety of academic writing task that could range from short essays, assignments, SAT, IELTS or lengthy term papers, dissertations and thesis. This type of writing could be done either under time demanding pressure or syllabus requirement. As a result students are expected to output a number of papers at the end of each day, week, semester or term. But such time demanding output doesn’t always guarantee quality of resultant paper†, says Peter Wartson consultant at GraduateWriters. net. In fact a research by National Academic Council for Academic Excellence found that many students resort to borrowing or stealing the work of others in order to beat deadlines and as result the rate of plagiarism has become so common place, that if every student who plagiarized was to be flunked, the rate of dropout will be worse than that massive open online learning courses (MOOC). â€Å"With this in mind many students sort the services of freelance academic writers, who are seen as the first level examiners. They guide students on how to structure their research papers, perform proof reading and help students to avoiding mistakes related to grammar, spelling, phrasing and plagiarism. †states Peter, â€Å"Freelance academic writers, should not be confused with people who helps students achieve shortcut by doing their assignments, no they are honest writers who guide students the way a teacher will do†. While this may help students reduce stress related to academic demand, some concerns has been raised concerning the qualification of writers who handle students’ academic work. Mary White an academic consultant at GraduateWriters. net, stated that â€Å"Students should look at the pool of writers a freelance company has, example GraduateWriter. net, is comprised of only graduate writers who have various qualification in their field of interest that range from MSc, MBA, MRes, EM, LLM, MEng, MA, Phd, and DS. At that company, writers undergo series of test approved by our senior writers to ascertain academic prowess and professional skills in writing and research. The advantage of this pool of workforce is that clients are always guaranteed the best quality writing and editing service, which cannot be found elsewhere on the Internet. Writers are specialist, with background in Education, Medicine, Nursing, Finance, Communication, Media, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, IT, Law etc. †Other qualities that prospective student should look at before selecting an academic writing company include privacy and security, originality, timeliness, quality, revision policy, orders tracking, support and response to queries. A lot of emphasis should be placed on privacy as it is not only a right but a demand that every users online should be guaranteed of. â€Å"If an online company published a student paper online, without their formal approval, it could lead to plagiarism and dismissal from school. Therefore students should look for companies that adhere with privacy policies and not let third party have access to their client papers. †articulates Peter. ABOUT GRADUATEWRITERS. NET Graduate Writers is an academic editing and writing company that help student in carrying out research work, gives advice on writing, referencing and proof reading. The company is composed of Graduate writers with specialties in field which can be advantageous to students. PO Box 89670 Phoenix, AZ Peter Wartson Graduate Writers LLC +1-480-409-1822 support@graduatewriters. net http://graduatewriters. net Source URL: http://pressreleaseping. com/graduatewritersnet-mission-help-students-achieve-academic- excellence.
Monday, September 16, 2019
They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky
About the Book Benjamin, Alepho, and Benson were raised among the Dinka tribe of Sudan. Theirs was an insulated, close-knit world of grass-roofed cottages, cattle herders, and tribal councils. The lions and pythons that prowled beyond the village fences were the greatest threat they knew. All that changed the night the government-armed Murahiliin began attacking their villages. Amid the chaos, screams, conflagration, and gunfire, five-year-old Benson and seven-year-old Benjamin fled into the dark night. Two years later, Alepho, age seven, was forced to do the same.Between 1987 and 1989, thousands of other young Sudanese boys did likewise, joining this stream of child refugees that became known as the Lost Boys. Their journey would take them over one thousand miles across a war-ravaged country, through landmine-sown paths, crocodile-infested waters, and grotesque extremes of hunger, thirst, and disease. The refugee camps they eventually filtered through offered little respite from the brutality they were fleeing. In They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, Benson, Alepho, and Benjamin, by turn, recount their experiences along this unthinkable journey.This is a captivating memoir of Sudan and a powerful portrait of war as seen through the eyes of children. And it is, in the end, an inspiring and unforgettable tale of three young boys who, cast against all elements, had the will, the tenacity, and the very good luck to survive. TEACHING AND READING GUIDE In the Classroom This disarmingly intimate memoir delves beyond headlines to bring readers deep into the heart of the Sudanese conflict – and into the flight of three children determined to escape it. It deciphers Sudan’s struggle from the inside. Who is fighting it? Why?Who are the victims? How did these boys survive without food, without family, for so long? At the same time, the journey of Benson, Alephonsion, and Benjamin over these many years and these thousand miles reveals how small minds comprehe nd and process the violence of war. Their story also begs the question: Can and should the international community intervene? What can be done? Pre-Reading Activity Have students bring in recent news articles and clippings regarding developments in Sudan. Try to piece together the conflict from these accounts and clippings. Discuss the history of Sudan’s war.How do the students feel about the conflict? What do they think it is like to grow up during wartime? You may also invite them to bring in articles regarding intervention or immigration. Do they think intervention important? How do they feel about refugees, like the Lost Boys, seeking asylum in this country? USING THIS GUIDE To the Teacher: Reading and Understanding the Story examines the reader’s comprehension and retention of the book itself, and of the war as Benson, Alepho, and Benjamin relate it. Students should refer to the narrative to answer these questions.Themes and Context encourages students to use the book as a lens into larger ideas, events, and issues. These questions encourage students to think freely and independently on the war in Sudan and the broader moral and political debates stemming from it. Teaching Ideas offers course-specific projects, essays, and discussion questions for classes: English/Language Arts, Geography, History, Science, and Social Studies. READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE STORY Definitions Ask students to define the following terms with reference to the book: Dinka; SPLA; refugee; jihad; genocide; murahiliin; UNHCR. ComprehensionLook at a map of Africa. Locate Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Kenya. Identify the Nile River. Find Sudan’s capital city, Khartoum. Try to locate Bhar al Ghazal (the region where the Dinka live). Before this phase of the Sudanese war, a treaty had brokered peace between northern and southern Sudan. What was the name of this treaty? (See Judy Bernstein’s introduction. ) Describe the landscape in which the authors grew up. What was their village life like? Benson recalls first learning of the war around village fires. What does he learn from the tribe elders? For much of his journey, Benson wears red shorts.Where did he get these? They are almost ruined one night. What happens to them? Why does he treasure these shorts so much? Along their journey, Benson, Benjamin, and Alepho meet many kind family and friends. Who is Monyde? Who is Yier? Why are they important in this story? Despite their clear desperation and young age, time and again the boys find villages turning them away, denying them food, and directing them back into enemy hands. Why do the villages do this? Yier recalls the government storming Wau Wau University. â€Å"We were led to the dorms and questioned: Do you know the leader of the rebels, ______? What was the name of this leader? As the refugee camp takes shape at Panyido, the UN begins sending food relief. What do they send? How does this diet differ from the usual Dinka diet? What are some of its mis-intended consequences? (see p. 92) Benson writes â€Å"I have many bad memories that I will never erase from my brain†but of these, the flight from Panyido stands out. Why were the Sudanese forced to leave Panyido (Ethiopia)? The refugees had only one means back into Sudan. What was it? What were the perils of this flight? Who was Mr. Hyena? Why did the refugees call him that?Name two positive aspects of Kakuma life for the Lost Boys. Name two negative aspects of it. At Kakuma, refugees receive food in the form of grain rations. Though the rations are small, many still end up selling some portion of these at the market. Why do they do this? What are the consequences when the camp learns of this underground grain market? The journey through the refugee camps and finally, to America introduces the Lost Boys to a new language (words like â€Å"dessert†and â€Å"because†), a new culture, and many new things. Recall two episodes where the authors en counter new objects or concepts.Describe their initial reaction in each instance. BROADER THEMES AND QUESTIONS FAMILY AND FRIENDSHIP. Robert E. Lee once said â€Å"What a cruel thing is war†¦ to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors. †After reading this book, do you think this is always the case? How does war impact families? How does it shape friendships? What qualities does it bring out in people throughout the story? RITES AND INITIATIONS. â€Å"My mother wore the radiating scarification mark on her forehead as a sign of her bravery†remembers Benson. Rites and initiations are important aspects of the Dinka culture.Explain two different cultural initiations common to the Dinka. What is the role of such rites in a culture? Do you know of any such rites, initiations, and/or identifying marks in your own family or culture? GROWING UP. Though torn from their homes and their families, the Lost Boys were still very much children. From their e arly childhood in the village to their adolescence in the refugee camps, we watch them grow up in this story. Can you relate to any of their experiences growing up? What about the games they play? How do they view and interact with the opposite sex? How do their views of education relate to your own?How do their perceptions of adults and authority figures change through the story? THE â€Å"OTHER†. Benson’s father attempts to describe the enemy to his children. He explains: â€Å"The government troops are Arabs and call themselves Muslims. The Arabs wear a long white dress with a large handkerchief tied on their ears†¦They speak a strange language that we cannot understand. †But when he continues he says: â€Å"You must beware. Some of the Muslims are traitors from Dinka tribes; they speak the way we do. †Imagine Benson’s confusion. Are friends and allies easily distinguished in war?Consider how we try to describe and define people â€Å"ot her†than our peers and ourselves. Do physical traits define who we are and who we are not? Link this idea to recent other conflicts and wars: Rwanda; Vietnam; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. LIFE AS A REFUGEE. Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya is the light at the end of a long and dark journey for the Lost Boys. They risk everything and endure unspeakable pain, hunger and thirst, just to enter the camp. Yet the camp presents them with its own menaces and challenges. After several years in the camp Benson decides he hates it than â€Å"more than anyplace. What makes him say is this? How do the Kenyans and the camp administrators treat the refugees? What is life like as a refugee? SPIN. Joseph Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany, once declared: â€Å"We have made the Reich by propaganda. †Throughout They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky, we see government and rebel forces alike manipulating facts and media to their own ends. Consider the role of propaganda in the book. How and why do you think leaders use propaganda? What is its purpose? What is its impact? Have you ever heard of or encountered propaganda in your own media? What about in the government?GEOGRAPHY AND CULTURE. When the Sudanese government institutes Sharia law over all of Sudan, the Dinka tribes grow angry. Benson recalls the village elders complaining: â€Å"We have too much to do with our cattle, our plantations and hunting†¦. †What is Sharia Law? What are some of the reasons the southerners resist it? What role do you think physical and geographic constraints play in determining the ideals and traditions of a community? TEACHING IDEAS English/Language Arts Ask students if they know of any immigrants, in their family or community, who came to the US from another country?Have them interview these individuals about their journey and present that person’s story to the class. Allow students to decide the medium for their presentation. For example, they ca n create a video-audio montage, enact it before the class, or rewrite that person’s story as a first-person narrative. Immigration and interventionism make major news headlines these days. Have students select one of these issues and research both sides of the debate. Then have them select a position, write a position statement on the issue, and then team up to â€Å"debate†the issue in class. Have students create a Kakuma Camp newspaper.Possible sections could include: Arts and Leisure, Sports, International News, Op-Eds, Marketplace (which could include articles on food rations or the state of trading in the Kenyan marketplace). Geography Make a map of Sudan. Have students chart out the major cities, rivers, mountains, and deserts. Have them demarcate the northern/southern divide and indicate the primary religion, resources, and activities of each region. â€Å"Piecing together Africa†. As the boys recall the landscapes they cross in they journey, they reveal Africa to be a land of rich and varied terrain – far more so than American students sometimes think.Create a large outline map of Africa. Cut out the countries and divide these among the students. After researching their country(s), students should report back with their cutout clearly indicating the major physical and geographic traits of that area. Now reassemble the map (preferably on a large surface). Have the students examine the reassembled map and try to understand the great geographic differences and divides of this continent. The southern tribes resist Sharia Law because, in part, as farmers and cattle-herders: â€Å"We don’t have time to pray five times a day. Have students research Islamic countries and report back on the major geographic features of these countries. What are the major resources, commodities, and products of these nations? Does physical geography correlate to cultural geography? Ask them what role they think geography played in shaping tra its of their own communities. History Colonization, violence, and civil war represent only a part of Sudan’s history. Create a Sudanese cultural timeline around the classroom. Assign students to specific periods in Sudanese history and ask them to research major events and cultural elements in that era.Have them create posters and/or dioramas replete with images and any objects they might find that illuminate their portion of the Sudanese timeline. History is always being created, and sometimes revised, by its sources. In August of 2005, John Garang died in a plane crash in Sudan. Have students locate accounts of this plane crash. Be sure they consult a variety of news media publications: left, right, American, British, African, Sudanese. Have them read the different accounts out loud to the class. Do these vary at all in facts or in tone? Discuss the importance of noting, and cross-referencing, sources in historical research.Science â€Å"We were all heads and hipbones. â⠂¬ Along the journey, the boys describe unimaginable hunger, such that they become like â€Å"stoneheads†teetering along. Investigate the impact of hunger on the human body. What are the caloric needs of the body? How does hunger impact body functions? How does it affect mental capacity? Have students consider their own diets and create caloric scales. Balance their daily intake of calories versus those the boys received (through their rations) at Kakuma. Have students identify the major illnesses and diseases that appear in this story (e. g. ehydration, snake bite, yellow fever, dysentery). Have them create a medical chart of these diseases. What are the causes? What are the symptoms? What is the treatment? Social Studies The UN is a large and complex organization. Have the students research and create an organizational chart of the UN system. How is it organized? How is it governed? How is funded? Where do groups like the UNHRC fit in this scheme? How are such subsidiary bodies programs administered, funded, and maintained? Have students read the UN Convention on the Crime of Genocide. What organizations report on instances of genocide today?Find examples of such reports in recent times. Distribute a template to the students and have them complete a rights report on one of these recent crises. Though governments, and economists, dislike them, underground economies can be necessities – at least to the producers and consumers within them. Why do the Kakuma refugees sell some of their precious rations? Why does the UN consider this wrong? Have students consider the case of Kakuma trading and set up a mock trial/debate that argues the social and economic consequences of such markets within aid-dependent economies.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Of mice and men curley’s wife Essay
Of Mice and Men is a microism of 1930s American society. Following the 1929 Wall Street Crash,, America went into the Great Depression, which lead many Americans to realise that the American Dream was never really possible. We see Curley’s Wife as a representation of women in America at that time. John Steinbeck’s novella of Mice and Men set in rural California during the Great Depression centres the friendship of two itinerant ranch workers: George Milton and Lennie Small. On arrival at their new employment, George and Lennie meet Curley’s Wife – the flirtatious; pretty; lonely young wife of the Boss’ son, Curley. Many people would argue that yes Curley’s Wife was a victim, for reasons being: she was forever lonely and unable to talk to other members of the ranch. â€Å"Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely. †This proves Curley’s Wife is an outsider like Crooks who is lonely-she just wants somebody to talk to. This picks up the theme of loneliness in the 1930s American society; Curley’s Wife is not happy living in her father-in-law’s ranch. She thinks she has missed opportunities by marrying Curley and living with his band of lonely men. She tries to get a bit of companionship by flirting with them and talking to them. Moreover, as she is the only woman on the ranch Steinbeck has portrayed as all women would have been seen in the 1930s American society – a sexual object. â€Å"Well, that glove’s fulla Vaseline. †This shows the readers that Curley is only interested in his wife for the sex. â€Å"Well – she got the eye. †This is showing the readers that she has accepted her role as an object of desirable sex. She has been brought into the stereotype that men have women. She could possibly be missing friendship as she is the only women on the ranch. Ultimately, we are invited by Steinbeck to believe that Curley’s Wife is a victim of society at that time. This is because, eventually she is killed. â€Å"her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck. †This shows she was as helpless as a fish; the use of the simile emphasizes the helplessness she possessed. Furthermore, it also shows how powerless she was as with her name, she and Candy’s dog echo each other, in the sense they both have no names; they are merely, a possession to be owned, an object. Before and after Curley’s Wife dies we begin to see another side of her, a side just longing for freedom, to be loved, to live the big American Dream. â€Å"She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. Now her rouged checks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. The curls, tiny sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her kips were parted. †This shows the readers that all along Curley’s Wife was a natural beauty behind all the heavy make-up and redness. She has transformed into a beauty by death; she seems to have become an angel. Finally she has found what she has ultimately been looking for: peace and freedom away from her abusive husband and rash mother. However, aside from all this, many people would still see her as not a victim. This is because, she is always described as dressed in red. â€Å"Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off. A girl was standing there looking in. she had full rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. †Curley’s Wife is blocking the sunlight. This foreshadows her being involved in a crucial part of the novel. It also forebodes bad happenings involving darkness. Furthermore, the repetition of ‘red’ shows she is devilished, lustful and seductive, it also has connotations of danger, foreshadowing danger in the near future involving her. In addition, ‘red’ i. e. ‘scarlet women’ indicated loose morals. Moreover, Curley’s Wife appears as though craving for attention. The make up and high heels seen very inappropriate for a ranch life even for a woman. Furthermore, Curley’s Wife uses sexuality to draw attention to herself. â€Å"She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. †This shows the readers she is a seductive woman who will do anything to get the attention of men. Steinbeck has again used Curley’s Wife to portray the way in which all women were portrayed as in 1930s America – an object of sexual desire. Moreover, it is also showing, that Curley’s Wife has fully taken on the stereotype of a women only being a sex object be doing so. It also suggests she is very promiscuous -she flirts and uses her sexuality and desirability to get want she wants or rather what she is not getting right now from Curley. What is more, all the readers are fully aware of Lennie’s strength and childlike behaviour; however Curley’s Wife tries to impress him as he is the only one on the ranch that will talk to her. â€Å"She looked up at Lennie, and she made a small grand gesture with her arm to show that she could act. The fingers trailed after her leading wrist, and her little finger stuck out grandly from the rest. †She tries to draw attention to herself by trying to impress Lennie as her is the only person on the ranch who will talk to her as everybody else is fully aware of what Curley is capable of doing. She wants Lennie to notice her because she knows he is too dumb to say anything to Curley about her talking to other men. Furthermore, many readers would argue she was playing with fire by going after Lennie as he is so strong and powerful and this is backed up when she ironically gets killed by Lennie. To conclude, Curley’s Wife is seen by men as a strong, powerful woman who cannot be abused, however many would argue she was being sexually abused by Curley. At the same time, all the characters in Of Mice and Men are victims; they all have the big American Dream that never really takes place. In my opinion, Curley’s Wife is both a victim and a culprit; this is because, towards the beginning of the novella, she is portrayed as a prostitute, danger to be around, however towards the end, we begin to see that all she has ever wanted is the big American Dream. As she is killed at the end, we again see how she is an innocent women longing for freedom and companionship from someone. – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Additionally it may be beneficial Essay
Thank you for such an insightful post! How great is it that you were able to directly relate to Tammy in moving into a position of leadership within an organization where you had previously been working? I completely agree with you in that Tammy will need to foster relationships that promote productivity. I wonder if Tammy will be tempted to lean towards a more 1,9 managerial style where she focuses more on relationships than on production. â€Å"His aim as a manger, however, is to avoid pressuring for production at a rate higher than that which would win acceptance from organizational members†(Blake-Mouton, 191). I imagine that it would be difficult to focus as much on production as on relationships when you already have established friendships with the people that you are trying to lead. It sounds as though you were able to accomplish more of a 9,9 managerial style, which is quite a feat! In order to focus more on production, she will need to adopt a leadership style that is high in initiating structure. As Dr. Wagner talked about in his video, â€Å"Initiating Structure and Consideration,†Tammy will need to set and maintain definite standards of performance for her team if she hopes to turn the YMCA around. Thank you again for an excellent post! Julia Teresa, I agree with you when you say Tammy will have to initiate structure and consideration. In this case I think these styles of leadership are both equally important. Additionally it may be beneficial for her to not only understand her staff but to understand her own unique leadership styles. She posed several questioned pertaining to her own leadership, stating, â€Å"do I have the skills and competences to effectively change the current situation?†Tammy is wise in posing these questions and understanding that merely having consideration may be futile, as there is no direct relation between consideration and job performance. How beneficial do you think it will be for Tammy to know her managerial style? Where do think Tammy falls on the grid? I would venture to say she maybe The 9.9 Managerial Style. It will be important for her to set a structured environment whereby staff can freely think, be creative, and express. According to Blake & Mouton â€Å"when people can think, when they have influence on outcomes, they support rather than comply or resist. â€Å" (Blake & Mouton pp. 196) Blake, R, & Mouton, J (2010). The Managerial Grid. In J.T. McMahon(Ed) Leadership Classics(pp185-199) Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. Bowers, D.G. & Seashore, S.E. (2010) A Four-Factor Theory of Leadership. In J.T. McMahon (Ed.) Leadership Classics(pp 200-210). Long Grove, IL. Waveland Press. Ken Mark and Gerard Seijts, â€Å"The Scarborough YMCA: Getting Back on Track,†in Cases in Leadership, ed. W. Glenn Rowe and Laura Guerrero (Los Angeles: SAGE Publishing) 107-115. Your post was insightful. You mentioned that Tammy will do well for three reasons: 1. Her colleagues already view her as a peer and trust hrialer. 2. She will not have to go through an initial stage of having the team become familiar with her and vice versa to be able to establish a trusting relationship. 3. Since they already see her as a peer, her ability to motivate and inspire them will be enhanced. This is true. Additionally I have found that peer leadership doesn’t always constitute for positive outcomes. Tammy may experience some push back from staff that persist to remain in mediocrity and complacent. Some staff may think that Tammy has gotten â€Å"big headed†due to her newly assigned leadership role. When I took on my new managerial position unfortunately, some staff had to be released. It was painstaking but necessary. In the case of Tammy, she agreed to take on the position if she had the authority to fully manager staff. I would venture to say Tammy was being proactive and may have foreseen this inevitable fate for some of her former peers. While Bower & Seashore state the findings confirm there is significant and strong relationship between managerial and peer leadership characteristics, there are other considerations.(Bower & Seashore, pp 209) One consideration is sited in Leadership Classics as â€Å"seven of the eight leadership characteristics outlined in â€Å"A Four Factor Theory Of Leadership†play some part in the predictive model generated from data; only peer interaction facilitation seems to play no unique role.†(Leadership Classics, p 209) In the case of ‘peer leadership’, it is no argument that there are pros and cons and the outcome is unpredictable.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Being Virtuous Though Confucius, Krishna and Socrates Essay Example for Free
Being Virtuous Though Confucius, Krishna and Socrates Essay From the beginning of time, the quest of all humans has been to discover how to live the good life. What is a good life exactly? This term will mean different things to different people, and yet I believe there are the same ingredients that all â€Å"good lives†share, even from the classic Eurasian time until present day. Virtues of character, which are also called ‘moral virtues’, seem to be more complex and are an integral part of the completeness of life that is said is necessary for a good life. There seems to be a pattern with people of always trying to achieve being a good person. Is being a good person the answer to having a good life? The Author, Robert W. Strayer makes the point that Confucius, Krishna and Socrates had opinions of ways to a good life but they are all different from one to the other. I will argue that there is a pattern between the three and that the belief to the good life is the same throughout the writings. The saying that history repeats itself is certainly true, but it is also true that people all want to live good lives. Confucius believes living a good life is being virtuous and treating others with respect creates the kind of person that then is given the good life. Being a leader he believed that ruling under an iron fist didn’t create people that respected him and that listened to the law, instead using kindness and sincerity gave the people an example of how to live. He says, â€Å"Let him be ? nal and kind to all; then they will be faithful to him. Let him advance the good and teach the incompetent; then they will eagerly seek to be virtuous†(pg. 218). He also goes on to describe forgiveness which is an essential component in all of the opinions on what is a good life. If one is not being virtuous they can change, which tells us that people are never intended to be perfect but to continue to strive for goodness is always better than to never attempt to be good. That same ideal is true to our modern world. â€Å"To subdue one’s self and return to propriety is perfect virtue. If a man can for one day subdue and return to propriety, all under heaven will ascribe perfect virtue to him†(pg. 219). According to Confucius seeking to be virtuous will bring the good life. In Strayers words he associates the ideas of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as being different than those of Confucius. I believe that essentially they are one in the same. Krishna says, â€Å"a man possessed of a pure understanding, controlling his self by courage discarding sound and other objects of sense, casting off affection and aversion, who frequents clean places, who eats little, who’s speech, body, and mind are restrained who is always intent with meditation and mental abstraction and has recourse to unconcern who abandoning egoism, stubbornness, arrogance, desire, anger and all belongings, has no thought that this or that is mine, and who is tranquil becomes fit for assimilation with the Brahmah†(pg. 21). Krishna is telling us that controlling one’s self and the environment one keeps one’s self in, the abandonment of being stubborn and arrogant all contributes to a virtuous soul, which in turn leads to the good life. This point is exactly what Confucius and Krishna share the same opinion finding that mean or middle ground, that balance or yin and yang, is essential to establishing a completeness which develops virtue is vital in order to lead a successful, fulfilling life ultimately leading to happiness. Socrates also collaborates these same thoughts He states, â€Å"For I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons and your properties, but ? rst and chie? y to care about the greatest improvement of the soul†(pg. 223). He spent his life trying to convince people to strive to be better people. This is one of the most important things to do in order to find happiness. Socrates believed that the state of one’s soul is the answer to happiness and that there is always improvement that can be made to one’s soul. His mission was to encourage people to think for themselves and thus become more virtuous. Socrates was sentenced to death and as he is near his final moments He says, â€Å"The dif? culty, my friends, is not in avoiding death, but in avoiding unrighteousness†(pg. 223). He also shared the same ideas of Confucius and Krishna that living righteously is the key to the good life. In conclusion what creates a good life for an individual person? It appears to be the same answer that Confucius, Krishna and Socrates had during each of their lives. They learned the same thing that people look for and believe in today. We continue to search for the same answers, but I think the answers are very clear in what history tells us and we learn from these brilliant men, Confucius, Krishna, and Socrates. To be virtuous is having a life with moral integrity and having or showing moral goodness or righteousness. It means being honorable to others and yourself in which will gain the honor and respect from others. Virtue is a belief used to make moral decisions. It does not rely on religion, society or culture; it only depends on the individuals themselves. Virtue has more to do with the character of a person than their earthly riches and possessions. As people continual strive to become a better people, practicing virtuous acts regularly helps develop the good life and they are examples to others striving for the same thing. I believe in what Confucius, Krishna and Socrates taught us, that being a good person is the foundation on which everything else in life is built on, and this I believe is the answer to having the good life. Being Virtuous Though Confucius, Krishna and Socrates. (2016, Oct 02).
Plato vs Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Plato vs Aristotle - Essay Example For Aristotle, appreciation of â€Å"goods†like friendship, pleasure, virtue and more is what only required to living well (Rasmussen and Uyl 171). Aristotle said, â€Å"†¦and if all were to strive towards what is noble and strain every nerve to do the noblest deeds, everything would be as it should be for the common weal, and every one would secure for himself the goods that are greatest, since virtue is the greatest of goods†(Aristotle 157). This is the reason that Aristotle would most likely to agree in order to propose the idea that a leader should not enhance his own power, but create an atmosphere where followers will be able to achieve their potential. This is what Aristotle believed to be the essential point in order to live in a moral environment. Leadership is more of appreciation rather than training, and so the value of intelligence or knowledge may not be of high priority, but of what the reality speaks, which should not only be primarily based on re asons alone. However, for Plato, leadership with strong political sense should be strongly under the influence of intelligence and not superior force. Intelligence according to Plato leads to the achievement of the knowledge of the moral truths and the appropriate direction of political power that will serve the interest of the people. At one point, Like Plato, Aristotle believed that the ethical virtues that will hinder man from corruptions are the necessary requirements of a leader, because these are essential, but complex rational, emotional and social skills (Garver 199). For Plato, based on his â€Å"The Republic†argued that self-interest should not affect the quality of leadership (Chambliss 488). It is for this reason that those leaders who are serving for the public should not engage in activities where there is a need to be actively involved in economic interests, because the danger will be to use political power and political decisions for own interests of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Nursing Article critique Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nursing Article critique - Lab Report Example Although, they have not mentioned anything related to time geographic location of the study which enhance the interest of the readers; still the mentioning of the type of intercourse, consensual and non-consensual, improves its strength. This article does not contain an abstract. As an abstract is summary of an article so it should cover all the important sections of a research article, like: background, the methods, findings, conclusion and implications. It is the quality of a good abstract that the main theme of the research carried out and the point of view of the researchers should be narrated in a coherent way so that the reader could clearly understand this summary. The authors provide a very comprehensive account on the introduction. They specifically discussed the issues related to the topic with reference to the US. To further strengthen the statements the authors have utilized various sources available. This article does include the section on background; this has been addressed in a short but comprehensive way. Here the authors discussed various terminologies in use by the US department of Justice and the criteria related to the event of a rape. The authors of this article have tried to address important aspects of the available evidence under the section on literature review.
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