Monday, August 24, 2020
Sonet Digital Hierarchy Essay Sample free essay sample
* Synchronous Optical Networking ( SONET ) is a normalized multiplexing convention that transportations different computerized spot conduits over optical fiber using optical masers or light breathing redressing tubes ( LEDs ) . SONET was planned by the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ) for the USA people phone web in the mid 1980’’s because of the disintegration of AT A ; T. With the disintegration. army local phone organizations were made and those organizations experienced web occupations cooperating each piece great as altogether. SONET was made as the new standard for these organizations to use for their fiber visual significant distance cabling. SONET is like the T-1 transmittal administration since it is an optical transmittal administration and can introduce numerous informations channels from various beginnings. SONET is unique in relation to T-1 designing as it utilizes fiber visual media each piece great as various circumscribing procedures than a T-1 transmittal administration. SONET other than gives an a lot higher transmittal limit than T-1. We will compose a custom paper test on Sonet Digital Hierarchy Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A portion of the points of interest gave by SONET are. fiber is extremely unafraid. fiber has truly low spot blunder rates. fiber is resistant to obstruction. Despite the fact that SONET has the conceivable to offer enormous entireties of transfer speed to the terminal client. it is other than extremely costly. SONET administrations cost around 20 % more than other advanced administrations of a similar data transfer capacity. * * Derdavis3. . ( 2012 ) . T ( X ) and Synchronous Optical Network ( sonet ) Digital Hierarchy Ntc/362. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/www. studymode. com/essys/t-x-And-Synchronous-Optical-Network-Sonet-1058354. hypertext markup language * * Woodcock. R. ( n. d. ) . Determining an Understanding of SONET. Recovered from hypertext move convention:/misnt. indstate. edu/harper/Sonet. htm
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay Sample on Reconstruction Policy and the South after the Civil War
Paper Sample on Reconstruction Policy and the South after the Civil War After the common war, the basic undertaking of the Central Government was to receive a legitimate arrangement of recreation and re-association with the end goal of fortifying the American Federation. Yet, because of different reasons, the undertaking was a perplexing one. The dismal death of President Lincoln made it adequately certain that the devotees were firmly contradicted to a dynamic approach. He, for sure, had despised servitude and wanted its cancelation. However, he really battled for Union and not for the liberation of the slaves all things considered. His main role was to secure and protect the solidarity of the Federation by impeding the deteriorating disposition of the South. Along these lines, after the finish of the common war, the Primary Task of the new President, Andrew Johnson, was to complete a liberal appeasement as supported by his antecedent. However, the triumphant North, aware of its own misfortune because of the war, was in no way, shape or form mollifying in its disposition towards the South. In any event at first, the conditions of the North were agreeable to receiving an approach of counter (L. Mukherjee). In this way, unpleasant fights broke out between the President and Congress which was overwhelmed by the Republicans. In actuality, the gathering arrangement of America was, during this time, nearly confined and the Republican Party had no solid base in the south. This is additionally an explanation behind which it didn't, at first, take a lot of care for the interests of the South. The Reconstruction Act of 1867-68 given that the Southern states ought to be treated as the vanquished regions to be regulated by the military Governors and were to be readmitted to the Federation after they endorsed the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. As a portion of the states retained such approval, the Congress continued to expose the South to Negro-rule under military security. Normally, the Negroes exploited this arrangement and the rule of ‘Black Terror’ appeared. In any case, bit by bit, an essential change introduced principally because of political and established measures. Strategically, the Southern states came to understand that the Federation was indestructible and any such endeavor to break it would without a doubt end futile. The Federation was ensured and it was educated to all that the units of and no one, anyway strong and incredible, reserved the privilege to split it up. The common war likewise settled the way that the Center, however ruled by the Northern states, was, for guaranteeing Federal solidarity qualified for embrace exacting military measures. Such acknowledgment gradually imbued in the South the possibility of national solidarity and solidarity. Likewise, the Northern states corrected their previous stand and acknowledged the Southern states as the vital piece of the Federation. Along these lines the South were brought again into the Union and the renegades were instructed to be faithful residents. Obviously, the gathering framework likewise helped much in the development of such solidarity. Slowly the Republican Party extended its associations in the South and the, in the end, it also went about as a binding together power. Intrinsically, as well, the procedure was towards unification. As O.P Goyal watches, â€Å"The thirteenth (1865), fourteenth (1868) and fifteenth (1870) corrections became out of the common war†(Goyal). The thirteenth amendment canceled bondage which so since quite a while ago showed up as a bone of substance between the South and the North. The fourteenth amendment characterized citizenship and prohibited states to deny people of life, freedom and property â€Å"without fair treatment of law†. The abolishment of the foundation of subjection has achieved the liberation of billions of individuals who had for such a long time compelled to stay as the losses of current human advancement. The Negroes, who had endured much because of racial contempt, were presently positioned in force and position. Along these lines the individuals of the North and South were gotten a condition of uniformity. The fifteenth amendment disallowed the Governments, both focal and commonplace, fr om shortening the option to cast a ballot as a result of race, shading, living arrangement or different past states of subjugation. Consequently the idea of fairness and freedom was maintained through the constitution and, normally, most by far of the Southern individuals who so since quite a while ago supported resentment against the inside, got steadfast and agreeable. The republic was, in any case, reinforced by the common war. America rose out of it with another soul, expectation and force. It currently embraced an intense arrangement †France had to pull back its military from Mexico and Britain was convinced to make up for the American misfortune in the Alabama issue. This political factor had its impact on the monetary side as well. The Center, despite everything overwhelmed by the North, demonstrated a down to earth sense in this issue. The Government embraced an arrangement which empowered quick industrialization and this plan to a great extent helped the South to continue towards thriving. As expressed before, the slave-subordinate society of the South currently turned out to be considerably more objective in their methodology and focused on the arrangement of levelheaded industrialization. Because of the abrogation of the slave-framework, and the new soul of industrialization, they separated the huge domains and put resources into the industrialization procedure. Along these lines an economy of cotton-development offered path to the mechanical upheaval. They presently produced their own merchandise and the spread of railroads extended their business sectors and furthermore joined them with the North. In the spot of localism, another sentiment of solidarity and network of interests grew up. Along these lines the North and the South joined and shaped a solid Federation. Fast industrialization not just improved the expectation for everyday comforts of the South, yet in addition guaranteed a territorial parity in the economy. This is an example History article composed without any preparation by one of our scholastic scholars. On the off chance that you need to arrange a custom article, research project, inquire about paper, theory/exposition or other composed task on any point contact our organization to get proficient scholarly composing help.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
19th Century Clues Explored with 21st Century Writing Tools Richmond Writing
19th Century Clues Explored with 21st Century Writing Tools Richmond Writing Here, avatar Beeble Baxter muses upon the image of Immanuel Swedenborg in Richmonds virtual House of Usher. During our pedagogical collaborations in virtual reality, there have been surprising parallels with traditional composition, but finding these parallels is not difficult. More challenging is the invention of an engaging and useful composition in virtual reality for use in our courses to help us to create that balance of challenge and learning that Lev Vygotsky called the zone of proximal development, or ZPD. Poes horror story The Fall of the House of Usher has always fascinated me in terms of its psychological prescience and its manifold intriguing but arcane details. Like many Poe characters, Roderick Usher is melancholic and has surrendered to the grim phantasm, FEAR that seems to paralyze him. Sometimes a cursory reading of Poe moves us to dismiss his tales as merely formulaic, but his details are often doors to the dank dungeons of the human psyche. The narrator of this tale, responding to Rodericks desperate letter, attempts to distract his friends obsessive and fevered mind as they pored together over the titles in Ushers library. In so doing, the narrator gains some understanding of Ushers disintegrating psyche, but we do not. However, it only takes a look behind the mention of Immanuel Swedenborgs Heaven and Hell (1758) to get a more detailed insight into Rodericks madness. The full title of the text the narrator finds in Ushers Library is Heaven and its Wonders and Hell from things Heard and Seen. Swedenborg begins with an exegesis of Matthew 24:2931 in which he makes the following claim after dismissing the literal reading of the passage: However, people who believe such things are not aware of the hidden depths that lie within the details of the Word. There is in fact spiritual meaning in these details, for they intend not only the outward and earthly events that we find on the literal level but spiritual and heavenly events as well. This holds true not just for the meaning of phrases but even for each word. This passage almost seems to apply to Poes tale as well, and so in traditional text we have mirrors of meaning. Rodericks belief in the consciousness or sentience (1st coined in this story) of his house and the influence of the masonry, most specifically the collocation of the stonesor their particular arrangement, seems to suggest a tendency to find hidden meanings not unlike Swedenborg. The House of Usher certainly exhibits the layered meanings that Swedenborg sees in the Scriptures. In his mystified mental misery, it may be that Roderick overlooked or dismissed Swedenborgs insight in entry 311 where he reminds us that heaven and hell come from the human race a concept that might have encouraged Usher to clean up his own haunted palace to end the personal hell he had endured for so long. It is such detail that suggests virtual reality as a potentially powerful tool for motivating students to dig more deeply into the details of the text and reflect upon their narrative function. Why does Poe bother to list these specific titles? The image of Swedenborg on one of the walls of the Usher library can be scripted to provide clues for student research prompting them to ask: how can Swedenborgs Heaven and Hell can help us understand the intricacies of Rodericks madness? And this is but one of the books named by the narrator of Poes story, each of which provides its own web of connections and opportunities for research. In Fall of the House of Usher the line of exploration can run from Poe to Swedenborg to William Blake whose astonishing hybrids of poetry and image composed via etching and engraving, continue to provide fertile intellectual and aesthetic delight even in the digital age. The William Blake Archive is one of the first collaborative hypermedia texts to receive academic acclaim and its design provides unprecedented access to the vast collection of Blakes genius scattered across the globe. Here students can follow the thread from Swedenborg to Blakes The Marriage of Heaven and Hell which includes images and text critical of Swedenborgs views. When the 19th Century meets the 21st Century in the dark digital hallways of our virtual House of Usher, the possibilities begin to unfold for the bold who playfully pioneer.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Confucian Tenets Establish The Structure - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 899 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Philosophy Essay Level High school Tags: Confucianism Essay Did you like this example? Within the realm of Eastern ethical philosophy, the various schools that emerged later from the overarching traditions sought to answer the question who I ought to be? through expanding upon the ancient texts and key figures. In this paper, we seek to examine the question stated above through the lenses of Confucianism and Hinduism, notably the philosophical school of Vedanta. These two ancient powerhouses of intellectual thoughts diverge into extensive branches, but in this paper, we restrict our bounds to the core principles and branches that are prominent within their respective origin. Confucian tenets establish the structure of a virtuous self through the hierarchy of thoughts, feelings, and actions all guided by the extent of knowledge. The answer to the question posed above centralizes around the ultimate purpose of self-realization that delineates the essential concept of self-cultivation. A person with the highest of virtue, or a superior person (Junzi), exhibits the noble traits in all facets of life such that through the constant reflection of oneself, one attains sources of knowledge to cultivate the triad of propriety, virtue, and righteousness. From the classic words of Confucius, the self evolves through appropriating societal rituals, thus, is self-formed. The sense of self-cultivation through propriety (li) tends to the prescribed moral conducts that safeguard the structured hierarchical relationships to yield the highest goods for the society. In order to refine ones propriety, a constant re-evaluation and conquering of ones impulses should reverberat e societys notion of proper conduct. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Confucian Tenets Establish The Structure" essay for you Create order This manifestation of a subdued self nurtures external forces that ground moral laws on social wellbeing. In that aspect, the Confucian structure of ethics that emphasizes propriety as an active guiding principle can be regarded as a part of deontological ethics. Therefore, self-cultivation in Confucianism relies heavily on the awareness of the relation of oneself to others that underlines the representation of identity. The vastness and depth of Hinduism certainly makes the answer to our question who I ought to be? less straightforward due to its nature of being a pluralistic theory. Thus, to restrict such extensiveness, we mainly concern ourselves with the classical school of Vedanta, notably the Advaita Vedanta. In the quest of self-realization, Advaita Vedanta upholds the nonduality between an individual soul (atman) and Brahman, the highest level for the achievement of self-consciousness. Therefore, the phrase atman is Brahman predisposes a notion for one to be inward looking and practice asceticism so that self-knowledge and unification with Brahman are attained. The concept of self reflects the monism that lies within Brahman which distinguish atman from the inherent misconception of personal identity that pervades humanity through ignorance and illusion (maya). The ultimate goal of self-realization in attaining atman, even though its nature remains incomprehensible and beyond words, advocates the surrendering of ones individual self to the absolute Brahman. The deconstruction of this disillusioned perception of self focuses on the process of self-inquiry through the practice of Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga to reach the unchanging manifestation of atman and the unification with Brahman. The Confucians structure of ethics, centers around the hierarchical system of human relationships that establishes moral obligations through conducts, champions the notion of Junzi as a master of self-cultivation. In contrast to the focus on the anthropogenic regulations of a self in Confucianism, Advaita Vedanta grounds its fundamental belief in the non-dualistic nature between the true self and the all-encompassing reality, Brahman. The reliance on moral conducts to subdue oneself reflects the ideal Confucian structured society that yields the highest wellbeing and establishes harmony. While the doctrines of Advaita Vedanta emphasizes the harmonious union with the true self through the deconstruction of maya-like consciousness, the obligation towards societal norms is deemed as insignificant in the attainment of liberation. Though presenting different fundamental teleological arguments, the process of inward looking and self-examination pose as common constructions in achieving the highest goal within Confucianism and the school of Advaita Vedanta. The practice of inward looking for these two systems, however, differs in the mechanisms. A superior man, according to Confucius, by reflecting upon the right virtues, subdues his impulses and contributes towards a harmonious society through acquiring knowledge, that in turn, leads to the right thoughts, feelings, and actions. The state of transcending through the distinctions, put forth by the illusive appearances of Brahman in the Advaita teaching, reaches the state of consciousness in the true self that is truly beyond words. Thus, the source in which one should look inward for the highest self diverges significantly between Confucianism and Advaita Vedanta, one involves the integration into a structured society, and the other seeks a higher state that transcends the imperial world. The complexity of the pluralistic nature in Hinduism relies less on the interpretation of the goodness of oneself, but instead suggests the mystical notion of a self with a system of higher truth or being. In the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta, this higher self lies in the attainment of atman which unifies with the all-embracing Brahman. For Confucianism, the emphasis of being a superior man lies on the structure of virtue exhibited in self and others. Among these two schools of philosophy, the narrow perception of personal identity arises as a consequence of attaining a higher state of self. The rigid social structure that champions propriety in Confucianism and the surrendering of a personal identity to Brahman in Advaita Vedanta yield little for the conceptions of individuality and personal needs.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay about The Hidden Benefits of Advertising - 858 Words
The United States annually spends over 300 billion dollars in advertising. The money is spent by business firms to promote their products and services and by political and nonpolitical groups to raise awareness on different issues. If over 300 billion dollars is spent annually on advertising, then people must be strongly affected by ads, otherwise, groups would not spend such a large sum on advertisements. Then, the question at hand is how are people affected by advertising? Vitriolic detractors of ads assert that advertisements are a malignant tumor of modern-society, whereas proponents of advertising counter that promotions are the backbone of society. While it is true that advertisements can have some negative consequences, critics†¦show more content†¦Then monopolies would be created in the industries, and the situation would be bleak for consumers. On the other hand, advertising’s ability to disperse information is a double-edged sword. Advertising can â€Å"rei nforce racial, cultural, and sexual stereotypes†(Day), but â€Å"advertising is†¦ [also] teaching†(Culpa). While it is true that advertisements can endorse products and behaviors that are harmful, as many counter-ads condone the actions of the aforementioned ads (the cigarette industry is a prime example of a balance between positive and negative ads). Along with the counter-ads, there are also ads encouraging positive ideas, such as blood donations. The American Red Cross for example, has an advertisement to persuade people to donate blood, which is a constructive idea since â€Å"when we give blood, we help save lives†(Red Cross). The Red Cross is not the only company that has beneficial ads; the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Habitat for Humanity, and Goodwill are other companies that also have positive ads. When the number of counter-ads and positive ads are combined, they greatly outnumber the negative ads, which means that advertise ments in general promote the welfare of people. Advertising also has benefits other than its uncanny ability to spread information. In fact, due to advertisement’s abilities to diffuse through society,Show MoreRelatedHow Advertising Is Important For A Harmonious Society Essay840 Words  | 4 PagesOn account of the importance of advertising, it is critical to realize that advertising plays a more and more indispensable role in the communication between corporations and consumers in day-to-day life. First, advertising has essential impacts in stakeholders life, in particular for consumers. Advertising, which can be informative and persuasive, is helpful for customers to learn about products to find the best products for themselves, give them courage and faith to try new products, and spendRead MoreDeception in Advertising to the Society865 Words  | 3 Pagesmany forms that may include propaganda, dissimulation, distraction, concealment, camouflage and even self-decepti on (Carson, 2010). Advertising and Deception The most common form of deception is the use of misleading or false statements in commercial transactions. This is referred to as deceptive or false advertising. False advertising is any promotion or advertising, which misrepresents the characteristics, nature, geographic origin or quality of services, goods or commercial activities (Helmer,Read MoreRegulatory Changes in Direct-To-Consumer Marketing of Pharmaceuticals1399 Words  | 6 PagesDirect-to-consumer (DTC) marketing of pharmaceuticals has grown increasingly in the past decade. The American public views prescription drug advertising for a wide range of medical conditions, including high cholesterol, depression, allergies, and erectile dysfunction. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the content of these advertisements. Critics also have taken the position that the advertisements garner unearned trust from the public, are misleading, and promote unnecessaryRead MoreAdvertising And Marketing Plan For A San Diego Advertising Agency1511 Words  | 7 Pagestheir business goal, using a variety of techniques to accomplish this. When a business turns to a San Diego advertising agency, they need to ensure the advertising services are incorporated into a larger marketing plan, one that draws attention from the target audience. One mistake many business owners make is they confuse marketing and advertising, yet these are two distinct things. 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For instance, customers’ distrust in pricing plans due to confusing usage rates; companies’ inconvenient and inconsistent off-peak hours; service provider’s hidden fees that include taxes and higher rates after minutes are used up, universal service charges, and one-time costs; and binding contracts by the service providers that require good credit history. Major carrie rs are not addressing these needs becauseRead MoreVirgin Mobile s Strategic Strategy Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pagesthat could not possibly be your Virgin Mobile phone ringing. Virgin Mobile has decided to enter the U.S. market, but in that decision lies numerous challenges that must be considered. The cellphone industry has been plagued with high fixed costs, and hidden fees. Despite market oversaturation, the market has failed to penetrate the age group of 15-29. However, Virgin Mobile has the strength of their infrastructure and previous experience to make a reach for the U.S. market share. 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It is very hard not to notice advertisement in today’s world. The commercials, the adds, the posters are everywhere; from TV, newspapers magazines and billboards to even a bus that is taking usRead MoreThe Good and Bad Side of Advertising1657 Words  | 7 Pages Compare and Contrast the ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ side of Advertising PLAN TITLE: Compare and contrast the ‘good’ side and ‘bad’ side of advertising. PATTERN: Block Format INTRODUCTION CONTEXT: Communal Issue SUBJECT: Advertisements LIMITED SUBJECT: ‘good’ and ‘bad’ side ISSUE: compare, contrast THESIS: It states the similarities and differences but in emphasis on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ side of advertising. Similarities- â€Å"Good†side of Advertising Paragraph 1: Creates deep impression. Example: Hyundai Commercials
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Managing children on watching television Free Essays
Managing children on watching television The definition for television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, primarily used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. The history of television comprises the work of numerous engineers and inventors in several countries over many decades. The first practical demonstrations of television, however, were developed using electromechanical methods to scan, transmit, and reproduce an image. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing children on watching television or any similar topic only for you Order Now As electronic camera and display tubes were perfected, electromechanical television gave way to ll-electronic systems in nearly all applications. Commercially available since the late 1920s, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for advertising, a source of entertainment, and news. In 2009 78 percent of the world’s households owned at least one television set, an increase of 5% over 2003. Television can be used in many ways, such as entertainment, information, and education. Television can be bad but it can be good if we know how to manage with it. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry states that television viewing can be a powerful influence in eveloping value systems and shaping behavior. Most of us are aware that Sesame Street teaches children who are ready for it, letters and numbers. Research on children’s behavior, school performance, weight, sleeping habits, and brain development back up the assertion that TV is harming our children. Violent behavior, research has shown that the more hours children spend watching TV, the more likely they are to display aggressive impulses and hostile feelings. This effect has been found to apply whether the televised behavior is performed by a human or by a cartoon character. And aggressive impulses have been found to occur with girls s well as boys and with teenagers and adults as well as children. There are also other behavior that almost likely to occur when we let our children watch television such as, kids who watch more TV start smoking at an earlier age, exposure to alcohol use on TV and in music videos (such as on MTV). As a parents what can we do to teach our children to view television as a treat or special entertainment. Many of the following suggestions come from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the first one is observe, how do our children act after watching television? Do the certain behavior increase or decrease? After observing you can decide whether to eliminate certain program or not, short term effects are easier to observe but, long term effects are far more difficult. Listen to our child also can help them to share what are they thinking about the show and let them share their feeling about, by listening we also can ask question and help them to think about what theyVe seen, process it, and clarify values. Monitor the shows children and adolescents are viewing, most programs should be informational, educational, and nonviolent. Choose shows that engage through challenging and interesting content, rather than flashy graphics and oise. Make sure programs are age and developmentally appropriate. Provide alternatives, when your child says I’m bored, does it become your problem? Or is it an incentive for your child to be creative? Are the raw materials for creativity available? hobbies, and creative play. There are lots of ways to manage children on watching TV shows. We Just need to learn and do research about how to manage rather than shut the TV and ask your children to study. There is a way to do it. Lastly, manage your children on watching TV well is the key to control their behavior. How to cite Managing children on watching television, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Noun and Ans Essay Example
Noun and Ans Essay GRAMMAR Topics: †¢ A or an †¢ Sentences using Yes, it is/No, it isn’t †¢ Sentences using Yes, they are/No, they aren’t †¢ Singular Plural †¢ Punctuation †¢ My Favorite Fruit (Essay) †¢ This is, There is/These are, There are †¢ My Mom (Essay) †¢ Noun †¢ Proper Nouns †¢ Verb †¢ Sentences using can/can’t †¢ My Pet (Essay) †¢ Words/Opposites †¢ Masculine/Feminine †¢ Comprehension Unit 0: Topic 1: A or an Definition: Exercise: (in copy) Q1: Fill in the blanks with a or an? 1. It’s a mat. 2. This is an umbrella. 3. It’s a book. 4. It’s an orange. 5. This is a fish. 6. It’s a tree. 7. It’s a cup. . This is an egg. 9. This is a pencil. 10. It’s an insect. Topic 2: Introducing â€Å"Myself†1. My name is _____________. 2. I am ___________ years old. 3. I like to _________________. 4. I live with my _____________. 5. There are __________ people i n my family. 6. I live in _________. Topic 3: Sentences using â€Å"Yes, it is/No, it isn’t†1. Is it a mat? *. Yes, it is. 2. Is it an orange? * No, it isn’t. 3. Is it an apple? * Yes, it is. 4. Is it a rat? *. No, it isn’t. 5. Is it an egg? * Yes, it is. 6. Is it a cat? *. No, it isn’t. †Topic 4: â€Å"Singular / Plural†Definition: Singular |Plural | | | | |Cat |Cats | |Hat |Hats | |Pencil |Pencils | |Book |Books | |Door |Doors | |Egg |Eggs | |Banana |Bananas | |Rat |Rats | |Tree |Trees | |Biscuit |Biscuits | Topic 5: â€Å"Punctuation†Definition: Example: 1. Monkeys live in the trees. 2. I am a boy. 3. Dog is an animal. Exercise (in copy) Q1: Use capital letters and full stop. 1. there are two apples *. There are two apples. 2. sky is blue *. Sky is blue. 3. honey is sweet *. Honey is sweet. 4. ali has a pencil *. Ali has a pencil. 5. he was born in karachi *. He was born in Karachi. Work Sheet Punctuation Marks R ewrite these sentences using capital letters, full stop. 1. i like to eat vegetables __________________________________________________________________________ 2. this kite belongs to ali _________________________________________________________________________ 3. i like to paint and read books __________________________________________________________________________ 4. he is eating __________________________________________________________________________ 5. rana has a new bicycle __________________________________________________________________________ 6. i will go to school tomorrow __________________________________________________________________________ Work Sheet Punctuation Marks Rewrite these sentences using capital letters, full stop. 1. i like to eat vegetables I like to eat vegetables. 2. this kite belongs to ali This kite belongs to Ali. 3. like to paint and read books I like to paint and read books. 4. he is eating He is eating. 5. rana has a new bicycle Rana has a n ew bicycle. 6. i will go to school tomorrow I will go to school tomorrow. Topic 6: â€Å"MY FAVORITE FRUIT†(ESSAY) 1. My favorite fruit is apple. 2. It is red in colour. 3. It has many seeds. 4. Its taste is sweet. 5. I like it very much. â€Å"COMPREHENSION†Read passage and do the exercise? â€Å"A LITTLE FAIRY†Once there was a little fairy called Cindy. She lived in a little house in the forest. She had four lovely squirrels named Munch, Crunch, Punch and Bunch. They all had big, bright eyes and long tails. They loved to eat nuts. One day they left the nutshells all over the house and Cindy got very angry. She decided to punish them by not giving them food for a day. They learnt their lesson and did not mess up the house again. Answer the following question? Q1: Who was Cindy? Ans: __________________________________________________________________________ Q2: Where did she live? Ans: __________________________________________________________________________ Q3: How many squirrels were there? Ans: __________________________________________________________________________ Q4: What did the squirrels do one day? Ans: __________________________________________________________________________ Q5: How did Cindy punish them? Ans: __________________________________________________________________________ â€Å"COMPREHENSION†Key Read passage and do the exercise? â€Å"A LITTLE FAIRY†Once there was a little fairy called Cindy. She lived in a little house in the forest. She had four lovely squirrels named Munch, Crunch, Punch and Bunch. They all had big, bright eyes and long tails. They loved to eat nuts. One day they left the nutshells all over the house and Cindy got very angry. She decided to punish them by not giving them food for a day. They learnt their lesson and did not mess up the house again. Answer the following question? Q1: Who was Cindy? Ans: Cindy was a little fairy. Q2: Where did she live? Ans: She lived in a little house in the forest. We will write a custom essay sample on Noun and Ans specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Noun and Ans specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Noun and Ans specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Q3: How many squirrels were there? Ans: There were four squirrels. Q4: What did the squirrels do one day? Ans: They left the nutshells all over the house. Q5: How did Cindy punish them? Ans: She decided to punish them by not giving them food for a day. Topic 7: â€Å"This is, There is†â€Å"These are, There are†Definition: â€Å"Sentences on â€Å"This is†1. This is a book. 2. This is a clock. 3. This is a pencil. 4. This is an orange. 5. This is an egg. Sentences on â€Å"There is†1. There is a glass. 2. There is an umbrella. 3. There is an aeroplane. 4. There is a ruler. 5. There is a leaf. Sentences â€Å"These are†1. These are apple. 2. These are cats. 3. These are buttons. 4. These are doors. 5. These are pins. Sentences on â€Å"There are†1. There are two cups. 2. There are three balls. 3. There are some kites. 4. There are four fishes. 5. There are five tins. Topic 8: â€Å"MY MOM†(Essay) 1. My Mom’s name is ________________________. 2. She is ________ year old. 3. She is very beautiful. 4. She cooks food very tasty. 5. She takes care of me. 6. I love my mom very much. Topic 9: â€Å"Noun†Definition: Example: Sara, Table, Cat, Karachi. Q1: Underline the mouse? 1. I have a pencil. 2. Sara is reading a book. 3. The hen has a pen. 4. Fish lives in water. 5. He went to Islamabad. 6. Ali and Tom are friends. 7. This jug is big. 8. I like to eat pizza. Note: Pencil, Sara, book, hen, pen, fish, Islamabad, Ali Tom, jug, pizza are nouns) * Topic 10: â€Å"PROPER NOUNS†Definition: Example: 1. Tom and Jerry. 2. Monday. 3. July 4. Summer. 5. Lahore. â€Å"Exercise†Q1: Circle the Proper nouns? School, bag,Lahore, cake, Monday, van, pen, Don ald Duck, ruler, Winter, shoes, March, book, America, bell, cup, Edison. Note: (Lahore, Monday, Donald Duck, Winter, March, America, Edison are proper nouns) Topic 11: â€Å"VERB†Definition: Example: 1. Eating. 2. Drinking. 3. Sleeping. 4. Reading. 5. Playing. Q1: Underline the verbs? 1. She is eating a cake. 2. They are going in a garden. 3. We are reading books. 4. You are laughing. 5. He is playing football. 6. Ali is crying. Note: eating, going, reading, laughing, playing, crying, are Verb) Topic 12: â€Å"SENTENCES USING CAN/CAN’T†Definition: Example: 1. I can sleep. 2. I can play. 3. I can’t swim. 1. Can a cat run? *. Yes, it can. 2. Can a bee swim? *. No, it can’t. 3. Can you play football? *. Yes, I can. 4. Can you jump? *. Yes, I can. 5. Can you cook food? *. No, I can’t. Topic 13 : |Animals |Sounds | |Cat. |mew. | |Dog |bark. | |Hen |cluck. |Cow |moo. | |Goat |bleat | |Duck |quack. | |Wolf |howl. | |Horse |neigh. | |Donkey | bray. | |Snake |hiss. | Topic 14: Words / Opposites |Words Opposite | |On |Off | |In |Out | |Up |Down | |Come |Go | |Black |White | |Sit |Stand | |Dry |Wet | |Old |New | |Hard |Soft | |Near |Far | Topic 15: Masculine / Feminine Masculine |Feminine | |He |She | |Boy |Girl | |Father |Mother | |Brother |Sister |Son |Daughter | |Man |Woman | |King |Queen | |Bull |Cow | |Sir |Madam | |Horse |Mare | Topic 16: COMPREHENSION†Read passage and do the exercise? â€Å"THE SINGING GRASSHOPPER†Once upon a time, there were two friends. They lived in the jingle. They were the ant the grasshopper. The ant was hard working insect. Everyday, it would go out to look for food. It would than bring the food back to its nest. The grasshopper was a lazy insect. It did not like to do any work. Instead, it lived to sing all long. Answer the following questions: Q1: Where did the two friends live? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ Q2: W ho were the two friends? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ Q3: What kind of an insect was the ant? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ Q4: Where did the ant bring back its food? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ Q5: What kind of insect was the grasshopper? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ Q6: What did the grasshopper do all the day? Ans: ________________________________________________________________________ â€Å"COMPREHENSION†KEY Read passage and do the exercise? â€Å"THE SINGING GRASSHOPPER†Once upon a time, there were two friends. They lived in the jingle. They were the ant the grasshopper. The ant was hard working insect. Everyday, it would go out to look for food. It would than bring the food back to its nest. The grasshopper was a lazy insect. It did not like to do any work. Instead, it lived to sing all long. Answer the following questions: Q1: Where did the two friends live? Ans: Two friends lived in the jungle. Q2: Who were the two friends? Ans: They were the ant and the grasshopper. Q3: What kind of an insect was the ant? Ans: The ant was hard working. Q4: Where did the ant bring back its food? Ans: The ant brought back its food to its nest. Q5: What kind of insect was the grasshopper? Ans: The grasshopper was a lazy insect. Q6: What did the grasshopper do all the day? Ans: It loved to sing all long. â€Å"A†is used before consonant. â€Å"An†is used before vowels. Vowels a, e, i , o u Singular means one thing. Plural means more than one thing. Every sentences should begin with a capital latter and end with a full stop. â€Å"This is and there is, are used with one thing†. There are and these are used with two or more things. Word that name things are called â€Å"Nouns†. Names of people, days, months, cities and seasons are a special kind of noun. They are called â€Å"Proper noun†. Doing words are called â€Å"Verbs†. We use â€Å"can†to talk about things that people are able to do.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Conservatism essays
Conservatism essays Conservatism evokes strong feelings of patriotism, since support for the established institutions are greatly promoted and each person serves his/her country with consistency and loyalty. This patriotism leads to an increased trust to in the military forces in cases of external threat, rather than in diplomacy. The liberal, now, view of human nature is highly egalitarian and can be strongly contrasted with that of the conservative, since it suggests an elevated perspective of human beings and diminishes the importance of the social unit. Human rights and liberties constitute a political necessity. Political systems must contribute to individual happiness and their role must be restricted. In a liberal society, the individual is a rational being and, according to classical economists, rationality is expressed in a materialistic way. That is the rational allocation of energy in an effort to maximize profit. This is the economic man in a liberal society. The political man is the one who makes critical choices when participating in democratic procedures. Liberalism has many times been identified with democracy and the ideal government should be pluralistic and not paternalistic. The essential principle of liberalism is individual freedom, which must be expanded and served in all levels of life, political and economic. ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
10 Quotes for Unique and Beautiful Wedding Vows
10 Quotes for Unique and Beautiful Wedding Vows A wedding may only be a ceremony, if you look at it from a logical standpoint. However, a marriage vow is a pledge- a verbal promise- to uphold all that is considered sacrosanct in a marital relationship. The exchange of vows, though just a collection of words, has a greater significance when the bride and the groom say the words with full intent and in good faith. Traditional vs. Personal Vows Traditional vows are all-encompassing. Traditional vows, as per Catholic marriage customs, involve a pledge to take ones partner, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. While it is unlikely that these traditional vows will go out of use, there is an increasing trend among people who prefer to make their own vows. When you write your own vows, you have the creative liberty to include some of your personal details, a dash of humor, a touching anecdote, or a special promise that makes you own the vows. Writing your own vow is no cakewalk- many brides and grooms find it difficult to pen a few lines that would bind them for eternity. Tips for Writing Vows If you are writing your own vows, here are a few things to keep in mind to make your marriage vows beautiful: Keep it Simple: Flowery words will have no meaning if you dont mean what you say. When you keep it simple, you allow your partner to assimilate the depth of your words.Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: It goes without saying that your marriage vows are a declaration of your love and commitment. If you are honest and sincere in your vows, you will find your married life easy to deal with.Include Details: Make sure to include specific details that make it unique to your marriage. While it is not a good idea to make a long verbose speech (remember, it is not an award acceptance ceremony), let your marriage vows reflect your personal beliefs, your dreams, and those of your spouse.Include Humor, Avoid Comedy: Humor should just be a mild seasoning to pepper your vow. Let it not override the intensity or seriousness of your solemn vow. The focus of your vow should be your love and your sincere commitment.Avoid a Public Spectacle: Though you will be saying your vows in the presence of your near and dear ones, you dont have to write your vows to please the audience. It is your marriage, and only you should decide what goes into your vows. Dont attempt to make it entertaining or interesting for your audience. They are simply here to witness and bless your marriage. Keep your vows genuine, straightforward, and personal.  Meaningful Quotes If you find yourself struggling for the right words, you can use some of these quotes to help you create a great wedding vow. These quotes will add a touch of color to your vows. I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. – William Butler Yeats, He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven Grow old with me! The best is yet to be. – Robert Browning I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. – Roy Croft I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever. – Amy Tan I love thee, I love but theeWith a love that shall not dieTill the sun grows coldAnd the stars grow old...– Bayard Taylor You call it madness, but I call it love. – Don Byas If I know what love is, it is because of you. – Herman Hesse We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden. – Jean Baptiste Henry Lacordaire This is my beloved and this is my friend. – Song of Solomon Youre nothing short of my everything. – Ralph Block
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers Assignment
Social media as a Method to Drive Acquisition of Customers - Assignment Example The researcher states that the social media is known as an important means of creating brand awareness and customer acquisition. However, the major question is how companies are supposed to convert users of various social media sites into actual customers. Furthermore, different brands face varying challenges concerning customer acquisition. This owing to the fact that different companies have varying market positions, objectives, target audiences and acquisition techniques. Companies are advised to come up with strategies that are appropriate for their brands. This essay critically assesses social media as a method to drive acquisitions of customers and marketing campaigns for two campaigns. Social media marketing is used to drive customer acquisitions through brand recognition. This is known as one of the most effective tools for using social media as a branding tool. This is because, with social media marketing, companies can decide the kind of information their customers are expo sed to and decide on how they want the company’s position to be. Companies can build brand name using the great content and consistent effort around the company values and benefits. Well- established companies including Wal-Mart, Starbucks, and The Weather Channel Shows Off have developed more attractive advertising initiatives on social media sites including YouTube, Instagram and Vine respectively to develop their brand names in the online market leading to an increase in the number of users. The companies have successfully used social media marketing to reach their customers and make sales. Other small companies are advised to follow suit as the social media has proven to be an effective tool to build a company’s brand name.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Analysis the China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited Essay
Analysis the China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited - Essay Example The investor will get appropriate information on whether to invest on the company or not ( The Company has maintained a good gross profit margin over the five-year period. It had 38.57% in 2010, 39.67% in 2011, 38.98% in 2012, 37.85% in 2013, and 40.35%. The constant figure of gross profit margin, which the company maintained on the earlier periods, indicates that the prices were of their products and services, and purchases matched in increase and decrease (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). The fall in 2013 shows that there was a fall in prices but this was compensated by the sudden increase of the ratio in 2014 showing that the company is making profits from its sales. The Company’s operating profit margin was 4.78% in 2010, 4.88% in 2011, 5% in 2012, 1.73% in 2013, and 6.45% in 2014. This margin increased steadily over the five-year period with the exception of the sudden fall in 2013. The fall in operations was a result of operational difficulties, which the company experienced. The company had to incur extra costs to bring the situation back to normal (Berman, Knight and Case, 2006). The larger increase in the margin in 2014 shows the managements effort in correcting the problem experienced in 2013. The increase of the ratio over the five years indicates the management’s efficiency in generating profits from the operations of the company. China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited’s net profit margin was 3.29% in 2010, 3.42% in 2011, 3.36% in 2012, 2.35% in 2013, and 0.38% in 2014. The company maintained a fair margin the earlier three years of the five-year period. The performance during those years was desirable as it indicated that the management’s efficiency in generating sufficient net profit from the sales of the company (Berman, Knight and Case, 2013). The fall of the margin in 2013 and 2014 put the managements’ efficiency into
Saturday, January 25, 2020
William Goldings Lord Of the Flies :: Golding Lord Flies
William Golding's Lord Of the Flies Theme: Most people perceive children as being innocent, precious beings. Some believe that they are angelic. Put in the wrong situations though, they can become savage beasts. The innocence leaves their bodies and they are no longer precious. The survival of the fittest instinct kicks on and they can become killers. In the book Lord of the Flies the theme is that kids are not as innocent s they seem. At the beginning of the book the boys seem to have peace and order. They help one another out. They elect Ralph as their leader. They follow his orders when they need to work together. The conch shell is used to bring order within the group of boys. Soon these practices die out and the kids start to change. Jack and his group of hunters, began to get a thrill from killing pigs. Jack and the hunters also lose all respect for Ralph and the conch. They start their own tribe, who soul purpose is to hunt and have rituals. The killings of the pigs start to bore them so they began to find other things to kill. The hunters start forcing people to join the tribe through threats. Then the threats lead to the killings of two boys. The hunters first kill Simon , whom they think is a beast. Then they kill Piggy by rolling a stone on top of him. With the two killing under their belt they soon began to go after Ralph. They chase him all over the island but soon he is rescued. The naval officer witnesses how the children had turned from well-behaved boys to savage beast. Though children are not as innocent as they seem they still hold a close place in their parents heart. They are also human just like everyone else. They know the difference between black and white and right and wrong. The survival of the fittest instinct is something that every creature on this planet has. The weak one always loose. The book showed this well. Important Passages: "Ralph sat on a fallen trunk, his left side to the sun. On his right were most of the choir; on his left the larger boys who had not known each other before...before him small children squatted in the grass.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Quiz 1
Question 1 5 out of 5 points | | | Entrepreneurs are commonly characterized as:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â risk takers and decision makers. | Correct Answer:| Â Â risk takers and decision makers. | | | | | * Question 2 5 out of 5 points | | | The hard sell or aggressive persuasion designed to separate consumers from their cash emerged during the _____Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â production era| Correct Answer:| Â Â production era| | | | | * Question 3 5 out of 5 points | | To be successful entrepreneurs must be comfortable risking their money and _____ to start and manage a business. Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â time| Correct Answer:| Â Â time| | | | | * Question 4 5 out of 5 points | | | In 1995, a renegotiation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) took bold steps to lower tariffs and to reduce trade restrictions. A tariff is a:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â tax on imports. | Correct Answer:| à ‚ Â tax on imports. | | | | | *Question 5 5 out of 5 points | | The four major categories of factors of production are:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â natural resources, capital, human resources, and entrepreneurship. | Correct Answer:| Â Â natural resources, capital, human resources, and entrepreneurship. | | | | | * Question 6 5 out of 5 points | | | In the relationship era, firms began to recognize that cultivating current customers is more profitable than constantly _____Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â seeking new customers. | Correct Answer:| Â Â seeking new customers. | | | | * Question 7 5 out of 5 points | | | During the marketing era consumers found:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â more choices for goods and services. | Correct Answer:| Â Â more choices for goods and services. | | | | | *Question 8 5 out of 5 points | | | As a factor of production, capital would include:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â machine s, tools, buildings, and technology. | Correct Answer:| Â Â machines, tools, buildings, and technology. | | | | | * Question 9 5 out of 5 points | | Human resources include theAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â physical, intellectual, and creative contributions of individuals working within an economy. | Correct Answer:| Â Â physical, intellectual, and creative contributions of individuals working within an economy. | | | | | * Question 10 5 out of 5 points | | | _____ refers to the quality and quantity of products and goods available to a population at a given time. Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Â Â Standard of living| Correct Answer:| Â Â Standard of living| | | | | quiz 1
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance - 1371 Words
In order to be on the same page as other major cities across the United States, motions were made over a year ago in Houston to pass an equal rights, anti-discrimination ordinance known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). At last a decision was made, and on November 3rd, 2015, HERO was struck down by 61 percent of the voters by referendum (Fernandez). The premise of the anti-discrimination ordinance is similar to those of other cities across the nation; to prevent discrimination on the bases of 15 different classes including race, age, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Houston’s mayor Annise Parker, who identifies as gay herself, was a strong supporter of the proposition for equal rights, and as all supporters in the Houston area agreed, it would put Houston on the map of inclusive and tolerant cities (Fernandez). On the other side of the argument is the conservative population of Houston. With the majority of political opinion in the Houston area being that o f highly conservative leaning, HERO proved to be a controversial ordinance for many of these individuals. In an effort to increase support for opposing HERO, conservative politicians in the Houston area therefore took advantage of conservative ideals to promote a counter-position to the anti-discrimination laws (Ura). Two major contributors to the opposing opinion were Republican state leaders Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (Ura). Both individuals heavily supplied the funds and theShow MoreRelatedThe Houston Equal Rights Ordinance1536 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction HERO, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, according to the City of Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (2014), covers nondiscrimination against sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, familial status, marital status, military status, religion, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, and pregnancy. The ordinance lists sections of protection within city services and employment, contracting with the city, public accommodations, private employment, andRead MoreHate Speech Should Be Made Illegal1351 Words  | 6 Pagesthe person or group speaking out of hatred. This type of rhetoric has taken many forms and had many sources over the years. Other examples include public anger towards Muslims after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, much of the debate about the Civil Rights movement in the ‘60s, and even comments by current presidential candidates all can be considered hate speech. As much as this type of hurtful language is instantly and historicall y detested it is still protected by the 1st Amendment to the US ConstitutionRead MoreOverview Of The LGBTQ Community914 Words  | 4 Pagesdisturbance or Gender dysphoria. Although, things have changed for the greater good, much work is yet to be done to increase inclusion and recognition for the LGBTQ community. â€Å" In November 2015, voters in Houston, the fourth most populous city in the United States, rejected an equal rights ordinance that would have protected citizens against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, among other classes (Hoy-Ellis, Ator, Kerr Milford, p. 56, 2016). although some discriminationRead MoreThe Liberties Of The Aclu1639 Words  | 7 Pagesweek of the arrest. Travis’s traumatic interaction with SFPD highlights the civil rights and liberties violations that Black Americans and other people of color face every day at the hands of local law enforcement in California and across the nation. We must demand equal protection in the face of economic inequality. The rights we fight for every day are only meaningful when they are accessible to everyone. 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In fact, in 2015, in response to a proposed equal rights ordinance that would include gender identity, the Campaign for Houston group launched an advertisement campaign that used propaganda to link the ordinance to sex offenders gaining access to women’s bathrooms (2015). This campaign was so effective that the ordinance failed to pass, and similar campaigns are starting to crop up in other states. This type of group-serving biasRead More Hate Crimes and The Mit chell v. Wisconsin Decision Essay example5764 Words  | 24 PagesHate Crimes and The Mitchell v. Wisconsin Decision The American Heritage Dictionary defines hate as intense dislike or animosity. However, defining hate as the basis for a crime is not as easy without possibly jeopardizing constitutional rights in the process. Hate crime laws generally add enhanced punishments to existing statues. 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